Search Results for: research

Open Knowledge Foundation Open Data Advocate

My colleagues over at the Open Knowledge Foundation have been thinking about recruiting an Open Data Advocate, someone who can coordinate a number of the activities they are up to in the open data space. I offered to think about what the role should entail and how that person could be effective. Consequently, in theRead… Read more »

From Recent College Grad to CPO: It’s a Gov Up..Mash Up!

That’s right! If you haven’t heard about the Gov Up that is taking place tomorrow at Public House in National Harbour, then you’re missing out! The “Rock Your Career” Gov Up, will be a Mash Up of young govies and experienced executives. Holding true to the “melting pot” American spirit, individuals from the private sector,Read… Read more »

Success Rule #6 – Make It Look Easy

Successful individuals work hard but you’d never know it. When you see them they always appear calm and relaxed – in control. You never see them panic, rushing or in a hurry. To do this you have to be good at what you do. To be good at what you do you will have toRead… Read more »

CTOs: Provide your inputs on how the government will implementing cloud computing constructs

Our nation’s technologists have always come to the aide of their nation. There are many great exemplars in this domain. two of my personal favorites are: Edwin Land, inventor famous for his work on consumer cameras but also a key designer of reconnaissance systems (including the U2). Frederick Terman, the thinker most responsible for creatingRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Velicogna et al. on e-Justice in France: The e-Barreau Experience

Marco Velicogna of IRSIG‐CNR, and Antoine Errera and Stéphane Derlange, both of Tribunal administratif de Paris, have published e-Justice in France: The e-Barreau Experience, Utrecht Law Review, 7(1), 163-187 (2011). Here is the abstract: Recent field research projects in the justice sector have shown how the development of e-justice entails much more than developing, installingRead… Read more »

Green IT – What’s Next?

Greener Computing recently published an article about what to expect from the green IT sector in 2011. Of course specific predictions are difficult, but the graph at right shows you where Greener Computing and Forrester Research think the green IT sector is at the moment. As you can see, if past cycles continue into theRead… Read more »

Using Prizes as Innovation Engines

President Obama said he wanted to spur innovation, in his State of the Union address. Actually, this effort started in earnest last year through the use of prizes and contents as a complement to traditional research and development. As promised in an earlier blog post on this topic, the IBM Center now has a report,Read… Read more »

Azure Open Government

In this blog David Chou provides an excellent synopsis of the core mechanics and fundamental value of Cloud computing. He focuses on Microsoft Azure naturally, and so does this other recent white paper. Business elasticity – As a service In a nutshell these articles describe that the primary business benefits of Cloud computing is thatRead… Read more »

What Would We Do Without Interns?

I don’t know about you, but GovLoop really appreciates our interns. We try to give them meaningful (vs. menial) projects that enable them to learn something, expand their networks and advance their careers while they’re with us. We even call them Fellows vs. interns as it seems more distinguished…like the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program.Read… Read more »