Search Results for: research

From the Archives: Blogging Your Way to a Decision

About a week after I put out an open research request to help collect a list of participatory politicians, I remembered a post of mine from way back when that provides a great example of the kind of activity I’m looking for. This came up during the June 2005 ODDC face-to-face meeting on “Deepening OnlineRead… Read more »

Update: Governors plead for cooperation in addressing state, federal deficits

Earlier this week, CivSource reported that the National Governors Association sent a letter to Congressional leaders urging them to keep the states’ fiscal environments in mind when looking at ways to close the federal deficit. This letter came on the heels of growing chatter, coming from conservatives, about the increasing likelihood of states filing forRead… Read more »

Top 10- What’s Next DC 2011

On Monday I spent most of my afternoon at an awesome conference called What’s Next DC. The conference largely consisted of a variety of Marketing/Social Media/PR/SEO gurus (GovLoop’s own Steve Ressler included) all coming together to talk about what’s working for them now, and how to make improvements in the coming months and years. PairRead… Read more »

Authentic Assessment in Learning Experiences

by Patrick Shane Gallagher, Ph.D (ADL). Shane is the Senior Advisor for Instructional Technology to ADL. He is also a senior consultant to the NSF Supporting NSF research programs as an advisor in education and interoperability issues concerning Cyberlearning, Innovations in Education (I3) and Race to the Top. Dr. Gallagher’s prior research included assessing SCORMRead… Read more »

Becoming A Trusted Source

Steve Rubel’s blog A Devaluation of “Friends” May Be Driving Trust in Thought Leaders says “someone like me” and regular employees are losing authority to experts. “Trust in credentialed experts (70%) and company technical specialists (64%) is soaring” I think that is certainly true and a maybe pinhole look at what is going on. AllowRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Bitter Partisanship and Better Health Care (Duke’s Peter Ubel)

A few weeks ago, I interviewed Peter Ubel – a physician and behavioral scientist who “explores the quirks in human nature that influence our lives — the mixture of rational and irrational forces that affect our health, our happiness and the way our society functions.” He is also “a Professor of Marketing and Public PolicyRead… Read more »

Democracy Communications Network

The “Democracy Communications Network” was a 2007-2009 project centered around an informal group of leaders (listed below) who agreed to periodically write letters to the editor, blog posts, and other media pieces as part of larger, collaborative campaigns that raise awareness of the importance of quality public engagement. Use the “Democracy Communications Network” tag toRead… Read more »

Advancing the LETSI Run-Time Web Service API

by Jonathan Poltrack (ADL)As part of our research into a new learning platform, we are evaluating Application Programming Interface (API) technologies that solve issues resulting from the SCORM ECMAScript API. By now, you have probably heard of ADL’s Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) award to Rustici Software’s Project Tin Can. One of the main drivers ofRead… Read more »

A Building Code with a Payback

On January 1, the State of Washington officially began using its new building code for new home and business construction. Though its implementation was delayed for two years, the research seems to point to significant savings for energy consumers, with a reasonable payback period for the additional up-front construction costs. The Online Code Environment andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

ACUS is renaming its Blog! Help us out!

The Administrative Conference is beginning to ramp up its social media efforts. As we continue to grow, we are leveraging our blog to highlight Conference Member commentary on important issues, feedback on current research projects and federal register notices, and more. We’ve brainstormed options and are looking for feedback from our readers. We are usingRead… Read more »