Search Results for: personal brand


One advantage of posting to the internet is the huge audience. Somebody seems to find value in most anything. What you post is how you are experienced, your electronic personality. A second advantage is the ability to comment, to add to the discussion. Commenting is a developed skill, a habit. You get better the moreRead… Read more »


It feels a little like Apple has just been cored. This morning, I don’t think I was alone in shedding a tear. The difference between a geek, a nerd, and everyone else, was probably actually how you felt this morning. Because you see, for the nerds among us, he was more than a genius, anRead… Read more »

The Future of Graphics in Social Media

When Facebook rolled out its tweaks to its news feed last week, I was first struck by the new larger size of images. I thought “this looks like Tumblr.” I’ll write more on Tumblr later, but the point here is that Facebook appears to have learned something Tumblr has known for a while: people likeRead… Read more »

The Database Society and You

There is much commentary right now about Facebook, social networking, and the meaning for the enterprise technologist. All of the tumult over Facebook’s new features (frictionless sharing, the timeline, etc) inspired me to dig out an old post I had written for Huffington Post on what I called the “database society:” The dominant metaphor ofRead… Read more »

Politicians Love To See Their Name!

Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown has taken promoting his name to a level never seen before by a local politician. Putting the Mayor’s name on newly purchased fire trucks, which caused a public back lash has brought the issue of the Mayor’s self promotion to a head. As reported in the Buffalo News: Office entrances. GatewaysRead… Read more »

Facebook Rolls Out New “Subscribe” Button

Yesterday Facebook rolled out a brand new feature that allows people to not only “friend” each other, but now “subscribe” – – making a personal profile more like a fan page. For example – let’s say I want to know what is going on with Mark Zuckerberg, but I am not “friends” with him. IfRead… Read more »

Local Gov Interview: Andy Maxwell, Director of Planning & Sustainability in Syracuse, NY

I love learning about different roles in local government. I was lucky enough to interview Andy Maxwell, the Director of Planning & Sustainability in the City of Syracuse, New York. This interview was especially interesting to me since I spent the past year completing my MPA program at Syracuse. It was fun to hear someRead… Read more »

Contractors Use Webinars, Social Media To Extend Their Voices

I originally published on GovWin Communication is an important aspect of any business, but how do new media tools affect government contractors seeking to team with others? In addition to social media tools like LinkedIn and Twitter, there are additional tools like company blogs and webinars that all play a part in extending the voiceRead… Read more »

“How to Manage Social Media” Presentations

My thanks to Joel Sarfati, Director of 40 Plus of Greater Washington D.C. and Professor Ray Kimball of Montgomery College’s TechLeap Program for inviting me to give presentations on “How to Manage Social Media for Busy Professionals” last week. Both events had great audiences, and I appreciated the vigorous question-and-answer sessions. Two slide decks shareRead… Read more »

VA promotes social media use with new policy

BY BOB BREWIN 08/16/2011 The Veterans Affairs Department issued a social media policy Tuesday that “highly encouraged” the use of blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other Web-based media and urged VA employees to interact with the public online. VA Secretary Eric Shinseki said the new policy lays the groundwork for interaction with veterans through social media.Read… Read more »