Search Results for: research

Urgent — Who should I call? I need A Federal Agency Video Telconferencing Hero

I’m researching a series of articles for Federal NewsRadio on federal agencies experiences with video teleconferencing – who’s doing cool stuff, who’s got challenges, who are the leaders… (continuation of the articles at I’m on deadline but have a few days to go, and would desperately like to chat with you, if only briefly,Read… Read more »

Supplement to my blog of Dec 16, 2010 re suicide prevention

Supplement to my blog of Dec 16, 2010 ‘Is Suicide Prevention’ Social Networking? This posting is 1. Consistent with the suggestion [box] in Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) SPARK e-newsletter headings to pass the information along ‘to a friend.’ 2. The membership of the GovLoop organization (the addressee) has more than 30,000 members and stillRead… Read more »

Is ‘Suicide Prevention’ Social Networking?

and/or, with 11 deaths for each attempt that results in a death, Is there a role for ‘social networking’ in ‘suicide prevention? and, even with a mere ‘maybe’, get started? ~~~~~ For some years now I’ve occasionally posted items and excerpts online about ‘suicide prevention’. Some were based on my volunteer ‘hotline’ work in aRead… Read more »

The State of Open Data – Winning Politicians to Unfunded Mandates

A few months ago, we teamed up with the folks at Socrata to ask GovLoopers “What’s the State of Open Data?” Well…the results are in…check it out below – key take aways for me – people like Open Data and helps get politicians elected, it is often unfunded, and citizens have not been made awareRead… Read more »

CB2: Plugging Levee Breaks

Yesterday I was on a little field trip in in Vicksburg, Mississippi, invited by DHS Science & Technology’s Army Corp of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) to witness the demonstration of their final levee plug prototype. To arm you with some random US trivia over the holidays, there are over 100,000 miles ofRead… Read more »

Looking back on my first social media plan

I am currently a student at The Maxwell School at Syracuse University working towards my Masters in Public Administration. I use this blog to write about my experiences at Maxwell, especially related to social media use in the public sector. You can follow me on Twitter: @pjfiorenza and please feel free to leave some comments!Read… Read more »

Rip Van Winkel Awakens: Does He Look Like Nicholas Cage?

After a 15-year slumber, the Administrative Conference of the U.S. has returned. It held its first meeting last week since it was reconstituted earlier this year. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia swore in the 100 new members of the Conference, noting “your job is to improve the administrative process throughout the government.” We were hereRead… Read more »

Generations 2010: What different generations do online

Update on Internet usage by age groups from Pew Research: “There are still notable differences by generation in online activities, but the dominance of the Millennial generation that we documented in our first “Generations” report in 2009 has slipped in many activities…. “…the biggest online trend is that, while the very youngest and oldest cohortsRead… Read more »

Ask the GovExpert: Procurement Is NOT Monkeys Punching Out Purchase Orders

GovLoop is excited to bring you a new series we’re calling “Ask the GovExpert.” We’d like to bring new voices to the community, introducing you to people who are at the top of their fields. We kick off our inaugural interview with Shannon Wampler, a Senior Supply Diversity Coordinator at the University of Virginia. InRead… Read more »