Search Results for: research

Better Government Communication in the Social Networking World

Incidents like the TSA’s implementation of pat-downs and the Federal government’s response to the Gulf Oil Spill demonstrates that the current methods of government communication aren’t working as well as they did in the past. It used to be that citizens would get most of their information from network news shows, major national magazines andRead… Read more »

Ressler’s Rule #10: If you don’t systematically plan, life is a series of random events

There is a great old George Harrison song, which is titled “If you don’t know where you are going, anyroad will get you there.” Presumably, there is a corollary “if you know where you are going make sureyou pick a road that gets you there”. Moving forward without any direction appears to be the preferredmethodRead… Read more »

Who’s using cloud storage?

We currently back-up essential grant data/documents to a thumb-drive. This is actually a back-up of a back-up, that would be accessed in case of emergencies. Because I’ve experienced losing everything from a thumb-drive malfunction, I don’t recommend storing anything extremely important on one. I’ve suggested we use cloud storage to back-up grant documents. I useRead… Read more »

Social Networking Analysis and Homeland Security

Cross-posted from my Posterous blog – The Army Major – a Military Intelligence officer – is monitoring that blog. If any of you are willing to comment publicly, please provide your responses there. If you desire to provide anonymous input for his thesis, either email me directly. All such responses will be considered for non-attributionRead… Read more »

Australia is the second largest government user of Yammer – over 110 active networks

There’s recently been some controversy in Australian government over the use of Yammer, a private and secure enterprise social network, which I discussed in my post, The ongoing struggles to balance IT security and staff empowerment. I asked Simon Spencer, Yammer’s newly appointed Asia-Pacific General Manager, how many government agencies in Australia were using Yammer.Read… Read more »

GovInsights: Analysis of Open Government Plans at One Year

Open Government reaches a key milestone this week. Plus, we’re nearing the end of 2010 and many folks will be sharing their Top 10’s for 2010. Rather than launch into that kind of look back here (though that’s all coming soon!), I wanted to highlight some insights I gleaned from Angela Newell, who is completingRead… Read more »

Take the “Difficult” Quiz

Does your employer think of you as “difficult” … and before you answer that, let me add that difficult employees aren’t necessarily bad employees. Some employees are viewed as “difficult” because they’re effective catalysts for organizational change. They’re engaged in their work and confident in their contributions to the workplace. They clearly communicate their desireRead… Read more »

Guest Post | Social Media & First Responder Mental Health – Your Chance to Participate

Guest blogger: Tommy Hipper is currently pursuing his Masters degree from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and his proposed thesis is: How social media can be utilized to improve first responder mental health. The past few years have clearly demonstrated the power and value of social media in crisis situations. The examplesRead… Read more »

National Defense University Press Launches Online Scavenger Hunt, Taking on a Web 2.0 Attitude

Washington, D.C. — Beginning Tuesday, December 14, National Defense University Press (NDU Press) will be hosting a holiday scavenger hunt to highlight its Web site and publications. The event kicks off on the NDU Press Facebook page at 12:00 p.m. EDT. The scavenger hunt will occur across all NDU Press sites, which include a mainRead… Read more »

Four reasons not to stop your job search during the holidays

A lot of job seekers assume that the holidays stretching from Thanksgiving until after the New Year are a time to put their job search on hold. If you tell yourself no employers hire over the holidays, no employers interview during December, everyone is physically (or mentally) on vacation…stop! Sure the festive nature of theRead… Read more »