Search Results for: research

Honest Communication: The Unconscious Signals Behind Our Words

Have you ever had the experience of talking to someone and you start to feel that person is saying one thing but means another? Have you arrived at work in a bad mood and noticed that everyone else suddenly seems to be developing the same bad mood? What you are experiencing is the powerful effectsRead… Read more »

Tulsa Training Cybersecurity Experts to Defend America

This blog was originally posted It outlines a great program in Tulsa, OK that training the type of Cybersecurity experts the U.S needs right now to be leaders in the field. The following is the first few paragraphs of the article written by Siri Carpenter. Click here for the full article which I wouldRead… Read more »

What do 100 MPAs Think about Government

I was honored to spend the last 2 days at Syracuse University with MPA and PhD students in Public Administration, IT, and Public Diplomacy. I had two lunches, 1 dinner, 2 coffee breaks with specific small groups of students, a career talk to 30 students, and a presentation to 100 students about Gov 2.0. IRead… Read more »

Why Publish Paper Reports?

Every other year, my agency produces a Biennial Performance Report that shows the progress of IT initiatives across state agencies. Traditionally, we have published paper documents with a PDF version for download. This year, we flipped the model on its ear by turning this report into a website. By virtue of being online, there areRead… Read more »

Military transition: Career choices

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s career strategist So there you are, trying to figure out what jobs in the civilian world will be worthwhile. And here I am, regularly talking success stories and research…. With all the potential careers available, how do you start to choose? First steps are to think about what yourRead… Read more »

Notes from National League of Cities: How To Inject Innovation into Local Government

Another day at the National League of Cities Congress and Exposition, another opportunity for insight. Right now, I’m in a workshop being led by Patrick Ibarra entitled “How To Inject Innovation into Local Government.” Ibarra is the Co-Founder and Partner of The Mejorando Group based in Glendale, Arizona. Here are some of my notes fromRead… Read more »

The Career Path of the Corporate Social Strategist: An Introspection

This post originally appeared on my primary blog, “Social Media Strategery.” “The Social Media Strategist must choose one of two career paths – build proactive programs now…or be relegated to ongoing cleanup as social media help desk.” Not surprisingly, Jeremiah Owyang and the Altimeter Group have put together yet another thought-provoking report chock full ofRead… Read more »

Root cause of digital divide – wealth

I just ran into a fantastic piece on Mashable that I just has to share. I have been very deeply vested in the topic of Digital Divide in America for some time. I recently wrote a blog post on the subject on govloop that generated some interesting commentary ( I have been searching desperately forRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


GovInsights: Strive for Consensus, Fix Education and Stop Blaming Regulatory Agencies

This time we talked to Jeffrey S. Lubbers, Professor of Practice in Administrative Law at American University’s Washington College of Law. Prof. Lubbers served in government as the former Research Director for the recently revived Administrative Conference of the U.S. (ACUS), where he now served as a Special Counsel. He has written extensively in theRead… Read more »

Granicus Releases New Video Player to Help Government Connect with Citizens

Over Thanksgiving, as you think about what you’re thankful for, if your job and the people you serve is one of them, it may be a good time to brainstorm ways your agency can forge deeper connections with citizens through video. In our most recent blog post, we discuss a new video player that weRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech
