Search Results for: research

Death of the Federal Career Internship Program

Many of our largest employer clients are federal government and Fortune 500 organizations because our two most popular recruitment advertising tools are well suited to organizations with large hiring needs. News out of Washington, D.C. last week got me to thinking about whether we could help our clients hire veterans and disabled college students andRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio – Publivate Geordie Adams

This week we had Geordie Adams of Publivate on Gov 2.0 Radio They run an innovative/crowdsourcing technology and service company for public service. Some notes from his conversation. The methodology is key -what it is -what it is not -structure around it/responsibilities -strategic elements around it -how you communicate and market it -getting senior leadershipRead… Read more »

Juggling the hoops…job search & dissertation

One thing you don’t realize when you get to this stage of a doctoral program is that as you are writing your dissertation, you also start looking at the job market. I have an amazing teaching position right now, but, unfortunately, it’s a 4/4 load, which actually turns into a 5/5 because I teach anRead… Read more »

Friday’s Fab Five: Leaders, Dumb Committees and the Daily Grind

It’s that time again… Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’re summarizing the best of the week and highlighting five members or moments that were especially awesome. 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week goes to Kathleen Schafer for her post entitled “Living the Life of a Leader”. She asks a simple question — AreRead… Read more »

EBooks in Special Libraries: Final Report of the Federal Reserve System Libraries Work Group on EBooks

From the Government Info Pro: Thanks to Luke Mueller, Technical Librarian, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, for this informative guest post: EBooks in Special Libraries: Final Report of the Federal Reserve System Libraries Work Group on EBooks. Read on… Mission Luke Mueller (FRB Philadelphia) led the E-Book Aggregators and Publishers Subgroup, which included members JoyceRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Crack Down on the Wealthy and Powerful; Empower Citizens Instead

This interview marks the fourth of a brand new series on GovLoop called “GovInsights” where we are interviewing and highlighting the thoughts and perspectives of professors at colleges and universities who are researching and writing about government issues. This time, we talked to Dr. Gregory Squires, a Professor of Sociology, and Public Policy and PublicRead… Read more »

Open data awareness is building as citizens see real value

As I was catching up on e-mail this morning I was listening to morning news in the background (efficient, no?). What caught my attention was the fact that Channel 7 in Boston is planning to review many of the new MBTA mobile applications tonight. Yes, stories about the MBTA releasing data is not new, severalRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

GovLoop Live Chat- Rebooting the Public Sector, MacroWikinomics, & Next Thursday

********************************************************** JOIN US NEXT THURSDAY, NOV 18 AT 2pm – RSVP HERE! *********************************************************************************** I’m super-duper excited to announce our next GovLoop Live Chat next Thursday, November 18th at 2pm EST with Anthony Williams, co-author, MacroWikinomics-Rebooting Business and the World. This live chat is brought to you by our great partner Google – make sure toRead… Read more »

Tagwhat helps you augment your reality

Image by turkletom via Flickr In my opinion augmented reality will not become mainstream until 2012, there is time to prepare. However, in the meantime it is important to understand what augmented reality is today, what it could become in the future, and how you could potentially weave it into how you do business todayRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Does the BCS Fall Short of Its Goals?

The Bowl Championship Series claims to have been “undeniably successful” in achieving their goal of pitting the two top-rated teams in the country in a national championship game, while creating exciting and competitive matchups among eight other highly regarded teams in four other bowl games. So why does it seem to many of us thatRead… Read more »