Change the Way You Manage Your Waste

Surging population growth is not only challenging communities’ delivery of public services like water, energy, transportation, public safety and healthcare; the growth is also forcing them to deal with increasing amounts of waste. It’s estimated that by 2100 global populations will be producing three times as much waste as they do today. If we don’tRead… Read more »

Three Centerpieces to Strengthen Your Organization’s Cybersecurity

When it comes to cybersecurity, organizations can’t afford to have a Superman complex – aka, believing they’ll never suffer from a cyberbreach. You’re not invincible, and whether you work for federal, state, or local government or a small or large corporation, you can fall victim to a cyberattack. And with cyberattacks occurring with great frequencyRead… Read more »

Don’t Get Caught Biting Cybercriminal’s Bait

Cybersecurity is one of the most serious economic and national security challenges we face as a nation. And even though cybersecurity is a top priority for government organizations, security professionals still face multiple challenges defending themselves. “Strong security requires attention to people, process, and technology,” said Elayne Starkey, Chief Security Officer for the State ofRead… Read more »

Six Steps to Achieving Cyber Resilience

Even though cybersecurity has been one of the most talked about topics in 2015, cyber professionals still face many challenges combating criminals. For government agencies at all levels, there’s a dire need for the right talent and capabilities to actively defend against cyberthreats. And with developing technologies in cloud, the Internet of Things, social networking,Read… Read more »

Transforming the Federal Citizen Experience

How do we reach more citizens and get them to truly engage with our services? That’s the question on nearly every government leader’s mind as they confront a changing technology landscape and new customer demands. At this morning’s Digital Engagement Breakfast, Natalie Fedie, VP of Client Success and Professional Services at GovDelivery, offered a few answers for how agenciesRead… Read more »

The 3 Pillars to Improving Cyber Resilience

The volume, velocity, and aggressiveness of cyberattackers continue to increase. It’s not a matter of “if” an organization will be attacked — it’s a matter of “when.” And because of this reality, it’s imperative that organizations become more active in defending against attackers. So how do you increase your ability to detect, verify, and respondRead… Read more »

A Speedy Transition to Modernizing Your IT Network

It’s no secret that many federal agencies’ servers and networks are outdated and inefficient. They are unable to exploit the advantages of mobility, cloud, social networking, and big data analytics, limiting the ability of government agencies to effectively serve their constituents. So how can agencies improve their network IT? Many private sector businesses are transitioningRead… Read more »

Hurtling Over Agencies’ Network Technology Issues

Mobility, advanced analytics, cloud computing, network function virtualization, and the Internet of Things – these are some of today’s top tech trends. And government is finally catching up to them. Many agencies are implementing these technologies to improve internal efficiencies, reduce cost, and improve engagement between the public and government. But with these tech andRead… Read more »

Ummm Can Your Drone Fly Here????

Drones. Those unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that everyone from Modern Family’s Phil Dunphy to the Dalai Lama are taking a turn at piloting. Drones are quickly changing the information landscape with the possibility of being the most highly disruptive technology since the cell phone. They are true robots, tasked by their human masters for all typesRead… Read more »

Government Customer Service Isn’t Customer Experience

If you think government isn’t in the customer experience business, think again. Every American deals with government on a daily basis – whether you know it or not – which is why improving customer service is paramount. But the government still has a long way to go. The Forrester’s Customer Experience Index (CX Index) hasRead… Read more »