Search Results for: Employee Recognition

I work for the government and I am NOT the enemy

It seems that the country is becoming more and more polarized. Right wingers have become far-right-wingers, and left wingers are moving far-left, all are becoming wing-nuts. I’ve been a federal employee for (gulp) 25 years and it’s rarely been something to be “proud” of to non federal people, i.e. the general public. Perception of federalRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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5 Lessons from the Birth of a Government Blog

Dr. GovLoop has been scouring the Web to find awesome content…and here’s a blog post that caught his attention over coffee this morning. Originally posted on WhoRunsGovBy Greg Palmer Mar 04 2010, 10:30 PM How did I convince one of the world’s largest bureaucracies to enter the blogosphere? Trust me, it wasn’t easy. NYC’s DepartmentRead… Read more »

Partner Blog Series

GovLoop partner’s are doing amazing things in government – and that is why we write about their achievements, advancements and overall support of government. Cisco Blogs 3 Different Ways to Communicate Via Online Meetings Lessons Learned from the UK: Kent Police Department Cisco Unveils New Security System at Republican National Convention Is BYOD a baneRead… Read more »

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Network Competency—an Integrated Business Framework for Gov 2.0 [1}

Gov 2.0 is fundamentally about leveraging the power of networks – not on Pandora but on planet earth. As on Pandora, an understanding and competency of how, when, and why networks work is the key to success. Whether those networks involve outward facing citizen involvement, internal facing employee involvement or both – behavioral understanding isRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Effective Delegation

As an executive coach, I have seen a number of my clients facing challenges related to the issue of delegation. These leaders often find that they don’t have enough time during the day to get everything done, and they can’t figure out what they might be doing wrong. They are often not doing the workRead… Read more »

A Little GovLoop 2009 Recap

2009 was a momentous year for GovLoop. I started the year on January 1st on a solo southeast roadtrip and spent a lot of time thinking through my goals and visions for GovLoop for 2009. I made a stop in Durham, North Carolina where I spent 3 hours with a fine chap named Andy KrzmarzickRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Nominate your favorite Fed

Happy Wednesday! Know of a government worker that deserves recognition? Nominate your favorite Fed for a Service to America Medal by the end of January and they might win up to $10,000. The Partnership for Public Service collects the nominations, selects the winners and then distributes eight “Sammies” at a big ceremony in September. There’sRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0- Call it what you will. Labels, language, and the need for a compelling vision

It is emblematic of the times that nascent Gov 2.0 is without adequate descriptors readily accepted and simply described. This has less to do with the availability of labels than the fact that Gov 2.0 is a ship without a rudder— it still lacks a unifying theme and clearly articulated purpose behind the Gov 2.0Read… Read more »

Nominate a DC Government Leader!

As you likely know, President Obama is calling on all citizens to become part of the solution to the challenges of our time and to help make America great by serving in our communities. As members of the DC community, we are fortunate to have countless examples of public servants who work towards the greaterRead… Read more »