Search Results for: plain language

Training in a Truly Foreign Country, Part II

What would you consider training in a truly foreign country to be? One where you neither speak nor write or read the language, right? I’m not going to make you guess. If you read Part I, you know that I’m talking about Japan. The Japanese actually have three kinds of writing, but I suppose ifRead… Read more »

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Training in a Truly Foreign Country, Part I

Training in another country is not like training in Cincinnati when you live in Florida. Even when that training is simple. There are some other considerations. In the Far East or Malaysia, there may not be many signs in English or anything close to English unless it is a picture of something. If you areRead… Read more »

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Assigning value= Proper priorities

One of the things I think most people spend a great majority of their adult life doing is putting a value on things. That’s how you prioritize things and in business a lot times, that means dollars and cents. What’s my return on investment going to be? What’s the value to the organization if weRead… Read more »

06.25.13: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs (North West Remix)

To celebrate the new fiscal year, here’s a complimentary issue of Jobs, Jobs, Jobs. You can receive these weekly job announcement by joining ELGL – free for students, $20 for individuals, and $250 for organizations. North West Meaning Explained: Kimye Baby Name ‘Inspirational’ Not ‘Directional’ ELGL Corporate Members Colin Baenziger & Associates – Active RecruitmentsRead… Read more »

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The Rapid Rise of Spanish Speakers in America: What Does It Mean for Government?

Is it time to swap “De Muchos, Uno” for “E Pluribus Unum”? It’s not every day that a gringo from Virginia steps to the Senate floor to give a speech in Spanish, but that’s just what happened yesterday when Senator Tim Kaine delivered his remarks on immigration reform. In addition to that small, but importantRead… Read more »

Is There A Silver Lining To The President’s Cyber War Policy?

By SeanLawson What started last week as a series of reports on domestic spying by the NSA took a turn towards cyber security on Friday when Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill of The Guardian published the top secret Presidential Policy Directive 20 (PPD–20), which deals with U.S. policy and planning for cyber conflict. Like theRead… Read more »

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The Solution to Facelessness is Authenticity

Originally published at In my last piece I positioned problem of the facelessness bureaucracy not as an abstract problem that manifests between civil servants and the citizens they serve, but rather a very real problem between civil servants themselves (See: The Real Problem of Facelessness) and in so doing encouraged individual public servants toRead… Read more »

Hacking the Change You Want to See

On June 1, the City of Oakland will co-host ReWrite Oakland as part of the National Day of Civic Hacking. ReWrite Oakland will be an all day writeathon that will culminate with the launch of a new website called “Oakland Answers,” based on last year’s Code for America project “Honolulu Answers.” Oakland Answers will beRead… Read more »

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No Mention of PDF in Executive Order Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default

The first thing I did was look for a mention of “.pdf” in the document, but I didn’t find it. That made me wonder how effective this will be if specifics aren’t incorporated about requiring data formats that are more amenable for manipulation. Yes, I know that many tools exist for scraping and extracting structureRead… Read more »

How To Fix Procurement 1: Fix Registration

This post is written by Clay Johnson, the co-founder and CEO of the Department of Better Technology, and cross-posted from the Department of Better Technology blog. The way government purchases information technology is profoundly broken – leading to federal websites and information technology systems to sometimes cost as much as an entire scientific initiative toRead… Read more »

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