Search Results for: research

Friday’s Fab Five: Digital Divides, Long Rides and Job Guides

We’re going to start something new on GovLoop (aren’t we always?): Friday’s Fab Five! Every Friday, we’ll take a quick look back at the week and highlight a five members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s the first installment: 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was Steve Radick‘s “Addressing the Digital DivideRead… Read more »

Kindle Lending Programs in Libraries Update

Thanks to Montrese Hamilton, Librarian for the Society for Human Resource Management in Alexandria, Va., for sharing an update on the results from a series of listserv inquiries she made regarding Kindle lending programs in libraries. Read on… Recently, I wrote a summary of responses to my survey of three Special Libraries Association discussion listsRead… Read more »

Government Studies

Reading these 3 articles one really has to wonder if they are talking about the same study! Now I know it is ONLY 17 million dollars and we are ONLY talking about ~300 life’s per year but really! From the Denver Post: The U.S. Army will spend $17 million over the next three years tryingRead… Read more »

E-gov and inequality in public participation

Despite e-government initiatives, most agency decisions are made without public participation, according to Cary Coglianese’s blog on the University of Pennsylvania Law School website. Coglianese, the director of the Penn Program on Regulation, studied the topic and concluded, “Contrary to prevailing predictions, empirical research shows that e-rulemaking makes little difference: citizen input remains typically sparse.”Read… Read more »

World Paper Free Day – October 28 2010 – Will you turn off your printers? #wpfd

Paper is a costly crutch and one that may be handicapping your office more than helping. Paper Free Day asks you to commit one day to: 1. Conscientiously make a point to not PRINT 2. Investigate a business process or technology that can cut the paper waste in your office 3. Participate or Produce aRead… Read more »

GovLoop India: I’ll Help You Make It Happen

Update: GovLoop India exists now. GovLoop has extended its influence to the UK, Canada, Israel, Australia and even Russia. However, there’s little on GovLoop about India — the world’s second most populous country. We should change that with a GovLoop India group. What’s going for it — it’s second most populous country and most populousRead… Read more »

Public Meetings 2.0

(This was originally posted on GovFresh back in June. Luke was kind enough to let me re-post it.) ——— You’re busy – and so is your local government. You have work, errands, family activities, chores … the list goes on. Your local government, on the other hand is constantly working on issues that affect youRead… Read more »

Australia’s broadband dilemma

Workers in Australia’s ICT industry have never had it so good – not only has broadband taken its place as a ‘water cooler’ topic, it has brought with it unprecedented levels of investment. But not everyone’s happy. I sat at a roundtable held at the Australian High Commission in Singapore yesterday with a trade delegationRead… Read more »

E-Gov Resources on Native Americans and Tribal Issues

On the Government Info Pro… Thanks to Kathy Kelly, MSLS, C.A. for this Government Info Pro guest post: E-Gov Resources on Native Americans and Tribal Issues. Read on… Numerous government agencies at all levels and citizens need information to handle issues related to the rights and needs of Native Americans and tribes. Below are someRead… Read more »