Search Results for: research

Privacy News Highlights – August 15th

Some top privacy news Biometrics US – U.S. Scans Afghan Inmates for Biometric Database Wired reports on the U.S. military’s new detention facility in Parwan, Afghanistan, as “an emerging datafarm” where all detainees brought to the facility are given medical exams and have their irises scanned and fingerprints taken to be stored in a militaryRead… Read more »

World Paper Free Day – October 28 2010

I posted an event on here a while ago about the AIIM World Paper Free Day that the Industry Association, AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) are organizing. I wanted to draw your attention to some of the events going on worldwide, and ask if any of you are interested in getting involved andRead… Read more »

Is the Networked World Killing your Contracts & Procurement: What About Innovation?

Excerpt from Tim Cummin’s Blog Impacts Of The Networked World On Contracts & Procurement The impacts of the networked world have been significant for most of the world’s population, but perhaps more so for those in the world of contracts and procurement than many others. · Emerging generations are ‘no longer capable of deep thought’Read… Read more »

Yu on Bringing Open Government to Courts

An interview has been posted with Harlan Yu of the Princeton University Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), about the development of RECAP, the controversy over charging fees for access to court records through PACER, privacy respecting court records, the legal open government data project, Mr. Yu’s Ph.D. research, and his presentation entitled GovernmentRead… Read more »

The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics

One promise of open data is its ability to inform citizens and consumers about the quality of local services. At the Gov 2.0 Summit yesterday the US Department of Health and Human Resources announced it was releasing data on hospitals, nursing homes and clinics in the hopes that developers will create applications that show citizensRead… Read more »

Call for Papers: JURISIN 2010

A call for papers — with extended submission deadline of 20 September 2010 — has been issued for JURISIN 2010: The 4th International Workshop on Juris-informatics, to be held 18-19 November 2010, at the Campus Innovation Center Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. The workshop is collocated with JSAI-isAI 2010: The Second JSAI International Symposia on Artificial Intelligence.Read… Read more »

Battle of Wits — Asking the right questions during an interview

You’ve done your resume, connected through networking, submitted the application, made it through the phone screening, through the security scan and are finally in the interview! In “Princess Bride” terms, you have crossed the ocean, climbed the really, really long rope up the cliff, bested the giant, overcome Inigo Montoya’s swordsmanship (and conversation!), and areRead… Read more »

What if……….. Internet Gaming Systems and Security

What if ………… My son has recently become a Call of Duty, World at War addict. For those of you not familiar with this popular game it is what is referred to as a “first person shooter” in which players collaboratively take on other players in global cyber space. The game was first released forRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 4, 2010

BBQ reading: Alex Howard: State CIOs rank cloud computing, green IT and social media as top emerging tech Mark Malseed and Lisa Diane: The Hatch Act and Social Media – 6 Plain Language Answers Josh van Tonder: Interviews with Open Government Innovators (video) Economist: The future of the internet: A virtual counter-revolution Ted Schadler: ITRead… Read more »

Behind the Curtain: Communications in the Acquisition Process

From The Acquisition Corner With the end of the fiscal year comes the right of passage for government contracting personnel and contractors alike; the end-of year budget dump or as I like to call it, the end of fiscal year feeding frenzy. This time of year is characterized by the worst practices in federal contracting:Read… Read more »