How the DATA Act will Benefit You

In less than a year and a half the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014, better known as the DATA Act, will require all US federal agencies to report their spending information to the American public. So why does it matter? Passed with the intention of improving government financial transparency and reducing budget waste,Read… Read more »

Tips for Creating an Effective Brand

When you think of today’s top brands, which ones come to mind first? Maybe you think of Apple and its reputation for leading the world in innovative technology and beautifully designed products or Nike for inspiring and clothing today’s top athletes. Developing your brand is the single most important asset to an organization. “Brand isRead… Read more »

Cut Red Tape With Strong DevOps

A common frustration among government agencies is the long and complex process in which new data and software is developed. Development and operations, or DevOps, is a phrase used to describe the agile relationship between Development and IT Operations efforts. The goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship by advocating better communicationRead… Read more »

Stopping Cybercriminals in Their Tracks

Everyday your data is at risk. Cybercriminals are constantly getting smarter and finding new ways to hack your most valuable assets. So how do you stay abreast of the top security measures to protect you and your agency? In a recent GovLoop training, Protecting Your Data: More Than an IT Problem, cybersecurity experts Brad Rounding,Read… Read more »

Empowering The Data You Already Have

  State and local governments are obligated to protect the vast amounts of data coming in from a variety of digital sources. As the nation’s record-keepers, these governments must decide how to combine, store, search, and analyze this data. That’s easier said than done. At GovLoop’s State and Local Tech Trends Virtual Training, we broughtRead… Read more »

A New Meaning to Innovative Thinking

A wise man, Pat McCrory, once said, “interacting with government should be as easy as checking the latest scores on the internet or even shopping online.” McCrory, governor of North Carolina (which happens to be the fourth fastest growing tech state in the country) is making his vision come true. In GovLoop’s recent State andRead… Read more »

Challenges At All Levels

Shrinking budgets, and aging workforces, and cyber threats, oh my! State and local governments face these obstacles and more while trying serve the community. In the effort to better tool government to face these challenges, GovLoop brought together a virtual training of experts to show how advanced technology and innovative practices can help public servantsRead… Read more »

How DHS is Creating the Future of Cybersecurity

With constant news about breaches detected and how government is managing the fallout from them, it seems like we are in a reactive state of cybersecurity today. Will that always be the case? If not, what does the future of government cybersecurity look like? At our event, Evolving Tactics to Combat the Cyber Threat, MarkRead… Read more »