Search Results for: Employee Recognition

Building a Wiki Community: The 90-9-1 Problem

In last week’s discussion on encouraging the timid contributor, Govloop creator Steve Ressler left a link to the phenomenal — and horrifying — site It explains a common community interaction ratio seen on wikis. The 90-9-1 Principle states that members of a community will interact with the wiki in a defined way. According toRead… Read more »

Continuing Resolutions Don’t Have to Be a Pain

Agencies are again operating under a CR. Here are some suggestions to help budget officers avoid disrupting agency operations during the CR period. There have been three recent papers on CRs: * Continuing Resolutions: Uncertainty Limited Management Options and Increased Workload in Selected Agencies, GAO, #09-879, Sep 2009 * Interim Continuing Resolutions: Potential Impacts onRead… Read more »

Our Reaction to Obama’s Nobel Prize

Almost as soon as the Nobel Peace Prize recipient was announced this morning reactions started pouring into news outlets. Obviously spokesmen for nations on the “outs” with the United States were of a kind. Gabriela Ramírez of Venezuela ridiculed it. So did Khaled Al-Batsh of Islamic Jihad in Gaza. Surprisingly though several Americans were alsoRead… Read more »


You Don’t Need A Special Form To Answer a KSA… Each KSA should be listed on a separate piece of paper. The average length is from one full type -written page to a half a page. Be sure to list your name, job announcement number and position title at the top of each page. InRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Glitz and Gab—Right Track, Wrong Track?

Throughout 2009, the Gov 2.0 community has grappled with substance, tenor and tone for a new era of social communication, and more specifically, “social production”. How can and will citizens, government employees, and stakeholders add value to government processes? (See, The Value of Networks, Yochai Benkler). In an almost non-stop series of 2009 conferences, GovRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Open Government & Innovations Conference (#OGI) – Part 6

July 22, 2009 continued 9:00 am kayawalton: Shea: Acknowledge on-network (twitter etc) and off-network (site, RSS) communications #ogi 9:00 am USMSOffice: Identity Assurance & Privacy Panel: re info sharing- what if info is inaccurate? #ogi 9:01 am dlblack: FEMA use of social media is perfect example of mission first, tools to implement mission second #ogiRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Open Government & Innovations Conference (#OGI) – Part 2

July 21, 2009 Continued 8:30 am jrick: Not sure where to focus attention: On speaker, on his PPT, on TwitterBerry, or on huge live-Tweet screens flanking speaker? #ogi #add 8:30 am civictec: RT @GovTwit: RT @mixtmedia: Transparency has tremendous impact on accountability #ogi 8:30 am salemonz: Chopra: by provisioning open API we could greatly helpRead… Read more »

Customer Service – Communicating with Humans

Recently, I read Tracy Valentine’s blog lamenting the demise of great customer service. This prompted me to think about Web 2.0, and all the tools we have available to make customer service better while still giving it a “human touch.” Even when you may not actually be “speaking” to a human, you may still beRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Social Media Strategies for DoD and Government (#idga)

Social Media Strategies for DoD and Government held June 23-25, 2009 at the Hilton McClean Tyson’s Corner (IDGA = Institute for Defense and Government Advancement) Here are the Twitter-related stats for this conference followed by the Twitter stream: * 765 tweets * 49 contributors * 109.3 tweets per day * 86.8% come from “The TopRead… Read more »

The government wants change. Will they bring in the right cultural experts to make it happen?

NOTE: This is my column from my Women’s Entrerepreneur column that I write for the DC Examiner. This and past columns can be found at Last week I attended an Excellence in Government breakfast at the National Press Club. The panel spoke on “Human Capital” and the future of civil service. Allow me toRead… Read more »