Search Results for: personal brand

Top 9 Things I Learned in Berlin

So I’m in Berlin this week talking to folks in Germany about social networks and collaborations. In the course of conversations and beers, I learned a ton about how public service works over here in Germany. Here’s 9 things I found interesting: 1) 41 hours per week – Professional civil servants work 41 hours perRead… Read more »

Open Data Job Posting at MaRS in Toronto

The following job posting can be found on the MaRS website here. So here’s a job for an open data advocate living in, or willing to move to, Toronto. For the right person with the right vision, this could be about getting a group of organizations to open up their data to drive innovation andRead… Read more »

The Anti-Social Business

Cross-posted from the IBM Center for the Business of Government, co-authored with Dan Chenok. The newest business term making the rounds is “social business.” Of course, we hesitate to say “newest,” as there may be a new term by the time this blog is posted (this morning, in fact, we saw a reference to somethingRead… Read more »

Secret Service starts Twitter account, stumbles

Just nine days after starting an official (and verified) Twitter feed, the U.S. Secret Service had a pretty public gaffe that most professional social media managers have experienced (or feared) at some point or another. As reported by ABC News and other outlets, a staffer accidentally tweeted something meant for a personal account. The departmentRead… Read more »

‘Official’ local gov blogging

Simon writes a nice post celebrating the existence of the new official BIS blog, and provides a handy list of existing Whitehall “formal, properly-designated corporate ‘blogs’”. Here they are – I’ve also added UKTI’s blog to the list, which I’m sure Simon will do too on his when he gets a moment: Foreign Office MinistryRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

The Growing Need for Information Professionals

AIIM (Association for Information and Image Management) is now taking the bold step of introducing a new information management certification for IT and information professionals, and I have below tried to describe the objectives of this new certification. Market Trends A number of trends are converging to dramatically change Enterprise IT: Social – The spreadRead… Read more »

AIIM is Looking for a CMO

AIIM International Job Announcement – please send resumes and cover letters to [email protected] If you have previously submitted to this position, you have already been sent on to HR for review. Please be patient as we perform this extensive search. Position: Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Staff: OPEN Reports to: President Supervises: 3-4 professional staff FLSARead… Read more »

Notes from the Microsoft Mobile Citizen Summit: All Sessions

These are draft notes – please excuse typos. Plenary Dan Kasun, Microsoft Public Sector Key Points: Leveraging technology to make government better and more efficient is to advance ideals of freedom and democracy Time has never been better for mobile computing – we have reached a state in the business where the network is almostRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: David Dejewski

This week’s featured member is David Dejewski – check out his awesomeness! 1. What was your path to public service? Serving my community has seemed pretty important to me since I was a kid. I was 7 yrs old when I witnessed some “older” kids set fire to a field behind my house. I soundedRead… Read more »

Think We Don’t Need to Teach Local Government in School? Read This!

A few days ago, I noticed a Tweet indicating someone was extremely angry about a video on YouTube. Normally I would not click on something like this, but for some reason I followed the link and found myself watching a man who was very upset that the “government” was pulling out a basketball pole inRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech
