Search Results for: plain language

Spotlight: Greg Hermann, City of Carlsbad

Greg Hermann’s official title at the City of Carlsbad is Senior Management Analyst, but his City business card identifies him as “head nerd.” Here’s what he does, in his words: I work in the City Manager’s Office and help support technology and innovation initiatives. I consider myself a municipal coder, combining a passion for technologyRead… Read more »

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Lean Startups and the Rise of Iterative Placemaking

View from M@dison Building rooftop overlooking Grand Circle Park, in Detroit, Michigan. Sometimes, when people hear “Code for America” they might assume that we fellows are all computer programmers, but quite a few of us have backgrounds in architecture, urban design, city planning, community organizing, transportation, and housing policy. And we are metaphorically tied toRead… Read more »

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Law, code and architecture

Law matters. It matters at a detailed level because we all need to understand rights, duties, obligations and constraints. It matters at a social level because it is the framework for mutually accepted constraint which is part of what defines civilised society. The purpose and foundations of law are lofty and quite abstract. The immediateRead… Read more »

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How-to: 30 Steps to Become a Digital City

At GovLoop, we recently released a report on “Digital Government Strategy”. One aspect of Digital Government, we touched briefly on but I wanted to dive in deeper in this post is the question “What’s a Digital City?” and “How Do I Become One?” This I decided to write a list – 30 Steps to BecomeRead… Read more »

CloudCheckr : Amazon Complexity Challenges Many Users

A recently released infographic from CloudCheckr ( sheds quite a bit of light on the importance of expert advice when an enterprise decides to deploy to the cloud. When AWS made Trusted Advisor free for the month of March, they took that opportunity to conduct an internal survey of their customers’ usage. CloudCheckr compared theRead… Read more »

What’s Lurking Beyond Your Firewall? 11 Types of Cyber Attacks (GAO Report Pt. 2)

In a previous post, “9 Sources of Cyber Threats Highlighted in GAO Report,” Pat Fiorenza discussed Table 1 of GAO’s report Cyber Security: National Strategy, Roles, and Responsibilities Need to Be Better Defined and More Effectively Implemented, describing the various types of attacks that vulnerable users can fall victim to. In this blog, I willRead… Read more »

Supply Chain Management Concerns Prompt Trend Toward Backsourcing

2011 witnessed an increase in backsourcing, which included severing ties with offshore contractors and returning business operations to domestic and local spheres, or even entirely in-house. That trend is continuing even into 2013 as American manufacturing is being reinvigorated by supply chain management concerns that are bringing more positions back home. The individual circumstances behindRead… Read more »

Nerd API

Yes I know, a human as an API is going to be a bit challenging and stretching a metaphor slightly. Bear with me. In my life, I have had the pleasure of both spending a lot of time with geeks/nerds and also managing them (for the purposes of this post, I am going to referRead… Read more »

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Interesting elsewhere – 13 March 2013

Things which caught my eye elsewhere on the web The Android Paradox, Hackers and Casuals – acoustik – Quora Most Android developers, designers, and product people tend to be Hackers. That’s why we do the things we do. And when we build features, we tend to build them for ourselves. Normally there’s nothing wrong withRead… Read more »

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Open Data Day 2013 in Vancouver

Better let than never, I’m going to do a few posts this week recapping a number of ideas and thoughts from Open Data Day 2013. As is most appropriate, I’m going to start the week with a recap of Vancouver – the Open Data Day event I attended and helped organize along with my friendRead… Read more »

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