Search Results for: research

Make a Difference in Government Talent Management

Human Capital leaders and officers in the federal government, state government and military know that strategic talent management is a critical new discipline, and a powerful new toolset for leaders at every level. Workforce planning, recruitment, onboarding and engagement, learning and development, performance management, succession planning and retention are all critical practices that must beRead… Read more »

Clearing the Clutter – A Success Story

For years, many of us have worried there is too much content on government websites…that we’ve let the clutter overwhelm the content that our customers really want and use. Well, let me tell you what Sam Gallagher, my friend and former colleague at HUD, has accomplished because this is an honest-to-goodness hoorah success story inRead… Read more »

Sheridan on

John Sheridan, Head of e-Services and Strategy at The [UK] National Archives — and a member of our community — has posted, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In his post, Mr. Sheridan describes the origins and functionality of, the innovative new official legislativeRead… Read more »

What Do Citizen Lawmakers Need to Know?

My new post on Slaw is entitled What Do Citizen Lawmakers Need to Know? The post explores the information needs of nonlawyer citizens who are engaged in online lawmaking, in contexts such as eRulemaking, eConsultation respecting proposed legislation or regulations, or legislative or constitutional referenda. The post is an initial attempt at addressing the question:Read… Read more »

Reason No. 2 for “bite-sized” government: Reach out and touch someone.

The earliest scholars of public administration often struggled with the exact definition of bureaucracy. Is it the invisible fourth branch of government? Do bureaucrats derive their power politically or managerially? I believe bureaucracy is best defined when we reach to the constitutional undertones and examine government “by the people, for the people.” How do practitionersRead… Read more »

NOAA Releases the “State of the Climate Report” for 2009

The weather sure has been hot lately. Want to get a good picture of the weather over the past year? Then get NOAA’s National Climate Data Center recently published report on the weather and climate occurring around the world in 2009. Because weather fascinates many of us and is experienced by all of us, theRead… Read more »

1% Inspiration and 99% Awesome

[I originally posted this on my blog –] If you map the thought patterns of the creatives out there (ie; people with ideas), especially when he/she is in his creative element/moment/inspiration, you might see something like this: photo credit Ah yes. If you can relate, you’ll know that when you’re in this typeRead… Read more »

Salary negotiation tips

I think many people are afraid to ask about salary (see the excellent book “Women Don’t Ask”). This stems from insecurity that just by asking they might sour the relationship with an employer or even lose a precious job offer. However, salary negotiation is par for the course in the professional world, and if it’sRead… Read more »

Stromer-Galley et al. on Deliberative e-Rulemaking Decision Facilitation: Challenges to Enacting Real World Deliberation

Professor Dr. Jennifer Stromer-Galley of the University of Albany Department of Communication, Professor Dr. Peter Muhlberger of the Texas Tech University Center of Communications Research, and Nick Webb of the University at Albany Institute for Informatics, Logics and Security Studies, presented a paper entitled Deliberative e-Rulemaking Decision Facilitation: Challenges to Enacting Real World Deliberation, atRead… Read more »

Global Gov 2.0 – Achtung: Stop the Hype! (Germany)

Excerpts translated from: E-government without agitation: research instead of stirring up further Technikhypes 10th August 2010 Author: Prof. Dr. Tino Schuppan The subject of e-Government in Germany is still very much centered on the use of individual IT applications – and with great naivete. The recent hype about the so-called Web 2.0 is a currentRead… Read more »