Search Results for: research

Sorry Access Denied…Huh?: Starting a Social Media Revolution

ACCESS DENIED!!! 9:00 a.m. EST – It was a beautiful morning in Northern Virginia. Birds were chirping, the sun was shining, the coffee was just the way I liked it, creative juices were optimal, productivity was running at full steam. I finally found a decent embeddable poll for my blog and was ready to testRead… Read more »

Inflated Federal Pay: Study Finds that Feds Earn 30 to 40 % More than Private-Sector Workers

…According to newly released Heritage Report.pdf Another article on the subject: Federal Employees Earn 30 to 40 Percent More than Private-Sector Workers, Study FindsTuesday, August 10, 2010By Matt Cover, Staff Writer Job seekers wait to register for a national career fair in San Francisco on June 28, 2010. Initial claims for unemployment benefits rose forRead… Read more »

Open Data: When Uniformity Becomes a Virtue

Open data encourage transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement, all ideals of democracy. But context is equally vital, and unfortunately it’s often missing from the open data conversation. While individual states and cities have taken action to open up their books, little has been done to regulate and structure their data so that the information canRead… Read more »

San Francisco City Attorney’s Office on Flickr

Of late, I’ve been been using the photo sharing site Flickr more and more, shifting my focus from researching its 4 billion images to uploading fresh content and networking through the site. Flickr has tremendous functionality for creating blog content and populating other social media platforms as well. I’ve got a recent post about usingRead… Read more »

Law-Related Papers at OD 2010

Here are the law-related papers (as best I can identify them), with links to slides where available, presented at OD 2010: The Fourth International Conference on Online Deliberation, held 30 June-2 July 2010, at the Leeds University Business School, in Leeds, England, UK: Euripidis Loukis and Maria Wimmer, Analysing different models of structured electronic consultationRead… Read more »

Reason No. 1 for “bite-sized” government: Play nice with the media.

Why get along with the media? You’ll fare better on the front page. I’m a former government news reporter and can tell you firsthand that secrecy—sometimes in the form of complicated terminology— leads to unfavorable stories, even if political decisions are well founded and necessary. I sat through countless city and county meetings. For theRead… Read more »

DIVERSITY Drives CREATIVITY and INNOVATION: History proves it!

Every once in a while, something or someone pops up on our path to affirm that we are headed in the right direction, by pointing us to WISDOM that affirms what we all need to know, documented long ago — perhaps in a different way. When we least expect it, a supporting “proof point” showsRead… Read more »

Loukis & Wimmer on Analysing Different Models of Structured Electronic Consultation on Legislation Under Formation

Professor Dr. Euripidis Loukis of the University of the Aegean Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, and Professor Maria Wimmer of Universität Koblenz-Landau Institut für Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungsinformatik, presented a paper entitled Analysing Different Models of Structured Electronic Consultation on Legislation Under Formation, at OD 2010: The Fourth International Conference on Online Deliberation, heldRead… Read more »

Top 50 Public Administration Resources Features GovLoop

Pretty cool to see GovLoop featured as a Top 50 public administration resource. Original post here: A public administrator needs all the resources available at his or her fingertips, including information about organizations, research, online interaction, public outreach and contact information for local, regional, national and even international resources. You’ll find the best of allRead… Read more »

Yasmin Goes to Space! (aka, my first few weeks at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

Originally posted on my blog Ok, I didn’t really go to space. I did, however, find my way down to NASA Goddard Space Flight Center where I will be working on an enterprise 2.0 project for the next few months. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is headquartered in Washington DC, and itsRead… Read more »