Search Results for: research

Got 10 Minutes? Help us out!

A Friend of GovLoop needs your help! More importantly, they need your help in helping government IT staff deliver the best possible service to the country by ensuring that you and your colleagues have access to timely, well-targeted, high-quality education and training resources. Will you take the this survey that will take just 10-15 minutesRead… Read more »

Groups – By Federal Agency

Find your agency below to connect and collaborate! Click and join (then invite your agency colleagues!) If you don’t see your agency below, click here to add it! ____________________________________________________________________________________________ EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS Department of Agriculture (USDA) Department of Agriculture (USDA) Strategic Planners Department of Agriculture (USDA) TSO Department of Agriculture (USDA) Web Managers Forest Service ForestRead… Read more »

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Ontología Jurídica Libre: Vocabulario de Derecho = Free Legal Ontology: Vocabulary of Law

Ontología Jurídica Libre: Vocabulario de Derecho = Free Legal Ontology: Vocabulary of Law, has been made available by Javier de la Cueva, Esq., of and Medialab-Prado. The ontology is intended especially for use by government entities, for modeling and enabling identification and retrieval of legal documents and services produced or offered by government. ClickRead… Read more »

Getting started within The Social Ecosystem, a checklist

Last November I built a short series to help organizations with their 2010 Social Media Plan. The series was well received and I think we all learned a lot in the process of writing and commenting back and forth. Sometimes, however, it really helps to boil things down to a simple checklist, keeping it simpleRead… Read more »

Police Fatalities Surge 43 Percent-A Force Spread Too Thin?

Law Enforcement Fatalities Surge 43 Percent During the First Half of 2010 We were afraid this was going to happen. The question is whether police officers are simply spread too thin? Budget cuts have taken an enormous toll on the entire criminal justice system and yes, we know regular readers are tired of the topic,Read… Read more »

Privacy, Profit, and Innovation

Give us your cookies, your browser history, your torrid search queries, yearning to breathe free. (Sorry, Emma.) That’s the deepest desire of online marketers, and it is thanks to them that we have so much content and so many applications available to us free, online, every day. Our data is valuable, but not in itselfRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: National Veterans Wheelchair Games

Two weeks ago, as America celebrated its hard-fought freedom on the Fourth of July, hundreds of U.S. military veterans gathered in Denver, CO, for the 30th National Veterans Wheelchair Games. HP, one of GovLoop’s 2010 Partners, was a proud National Sponsor of the Games and they wanted to bring the event to the attention ofRead… Read more »

Criminology in The Social Ecosystem

Last week I met with Laura Madison, a criminologist in Canada, about her research. Laura is researching how police departments across Canada, the UK, and the US are leveraging Twitter as part of their jobs. This research should act as a baseline to help police departments across these regions understand what is working, and whatRead… Read more »

Now What?

Note – this is crossposted from Also note that the visualizations don’t show up for some reason, if you want to see them click here. Full disclosure: I was recently sent advance copies of two reports (canada@150 c/o the PRI and Road to Retention c/o the Public Policy Forum) and asked to blog aboutRead… Read more »

The importance of the Twitter Retweet

Microsoft Research came out with some very interesting research looking specifically at the act of retweeting on Twitter. If you’d like to read the full paper it is available for download in PDF format. Note that the following Twitter pros were behind the research: Danah Boyd, Microsoft Research, @zephoria Scott Golder, Cornell / Microsoft Research,Read… Read more »