Search Results for: research

Customers Know Best – It’s Their Results That Count

Have you discovered Anne Holland’s wonderful website, “Which Test Won?” I discovered it through a recent Gerry McGovern article, “It’s Not What People Say – It’s What They Do;” and – of course – I had to play. Each week, Anne posts two side-by-side test sites. She tells you what specific element or words wereRead… Read more »

Latest from Netherlands “GovLoop” – Civil Servant 2.0

Used Google Translate to offer the GovLoop community a glimpse of what’s happening with a sister community over in the Netherlands: Week 28 … Again, no World Cup, a grand welcome in Amsterdam. Netherlands loves to celebrate. The heat of summer days and holidays will thus gradually affect the activities Also for editors. ThisRead… Read more »

DC Government budget transparency – What’s up with all the fees?

Ever wonder how much DC Government collects in “Out of state Vehicle Registration Fees”?. What about the “Underground Storage Tank Fines and Fees”? Library Fines? What about the proceeds from busting illegal gambling and narcotics operations? Where does this money go? What services does it fund? Now you can research this and other similar informationRead… Read more »

The Craigslist Effect on Government Transactions

Over the past decade, government has become very good at putting applications and services online. Visit any state web site and you’ll find hundreds available at your fingertips. However, if you look at the statistics of many applications, such as vehicle registration and driver’s license renewals, adoption rates are still incredibly low. There really isRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

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Cease Fire at the Generation Gap

When I was a PMF in 1998, I attended a week-long training in Shepardsville, W.V. along with a number of other PMFs. At that same facility, there was a group of mid-career federal employees who were also receiving training. Neither group interacted with each other except for a couple of incidents where the mid-career groupRead… Read more »

Aligning Training with Strategic Agency Results

Open Dialogue on Aligning Training with Strategic Agency Results Warren Master and Russ Linden Warren: In my recent review of Russ Linden’s new book – Leading Across Boundaries: Creating Collaborative Agencies in a Networked World ( – I encourage public management practitioners to avail themselves of the many case illustrations and user-friendly tools the authorRead… Read more »

Employing America’s Heroes

Emily King gave me an embarrassed grin as she struggled not to cry. “I always choke up when I tell this story”, she said sheepishly. I smiled broadly and encouraged her to go on. She did, and thus began the first of many lessons she’d share with me that afternoon. In her own words: “AfterRead… Read more »

Surveillance Impact Assessment

From Philosophy Now Does Surveillance Make Us Morally Better?… These musings are intended to frame a set of questions: What is the likely impact of ubiquitous surveillance on our moral personalities? How might the advent of the surveillance society affect a person’s moral education and development? How does it alter the opportunities for moral growth?Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

Are the Next Generation of Government Executives more Comfortable with Complexity?

As government leaders do you believe the world is getting more complex? More volatile? If so, you’re not alone – – Sixty percent of the CEOs surveyed by IBM in our 2010 CEO Study thought the world was getting more complex, and even more, 69%, felt the world was getting more volatile. For the firstRead… Read more »

New Wiki on Organizational Change and Mental Models

I’ve launched a new wiki based on my dissertation research. The purpose of the research was to examine a possible link between mental models, change visions, and organizational alignment. As of 2006, there were over 1 million articles on organizational change and a multitude of change models in the literature. But, surprisingly, these change modelsRead… Read more »