Search Results for: research

An invitation from the EIF chair to help choose the questions for commissioner KROES

Hello This is my first post on govloop! It would be great if you can complete and cross post this survey on your blog. I also seek questions which you can address to commissioner Neelie Kroes. The survey only takes 5 mins of multiple choice questions asking for familiarity with issues Survey is HERE Note:Read… Read more »

Who Participates And What People are Doing Online — A nice chart of who participates online, and what they’re doing — data from Forrester Research

Share Your Cookies!

(This article is cross-posted from the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog) I’ve written before that we don’t pay enough attention to privacy. There’s a lot of information about us all over the digital landscape, and powerful new aggregators are doing a brisk business by bringing all of that information together. Further, marketRead… Read more »

Best Government Invention Ever?

The DorobekInsider just blogged about a NIST inventor’s creation of the most accurate clock in the world. Excerpt: If you are a stickler for time then your in luck. A young scientist at NIST has invented the world’s most precise clock. It’s based on quantum computing research and made out of aluminum. Till Rosenband isRead… Read more »

CB2: When Hurricanes Meet Oil

With the strengthening of Hurricane Alex, today marks the first hurricane of the 2010 season, and the 70th day since the Deepwater Horizon explosion. The question on everyone’s mind is without a doubt, “What impact will a hurricane have on the oil spill?” The short answer is “no one knows,” since a hurricane has neverRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


FHWA survey of State DOT use of Web 2.0 tools

We (Washington State Department of Transportation) were fortunate enough to be featured in a research study done by the Volpe Institute through FHWA surveying uses of social media tools by transportation agencies: The report offers a good overview of how transportation agencies are using social media each in their own distinct ways to reachRead… Read more »

Certifications in the Human Resources field – good, bad, your opinion?

Hi all Members of GovLoop, I need human resource practitioners’ assistance – can you help? I have Human Subject approval from the university and need volunteers who have PHR certifications to assist me with a survey as part of the empirical research required of me as a PhD student at Old Dominion University in Norfolk,Read… Read more »

The why of social media

By now you know that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is heavily involved with social media. We tweet, blog, friend and follow. We have 10 blogs that received over 58,000 hits in the month of May. We have 26 agencies on Twitter, 10 agencies on YouTube and 7 on Flickr. We have toolkits that help agenciesRead… Read more »

Is the Young World Rising? Preview from Next Gen Gov Summit

At the YGL/GovLoop Next Generation of Government Summit 7/6-7/7, we have a ton of great speakers talking about opportunities for young leaders to change government. One speaker is Rob Salkowitz who wrote the awesome Wiley-publish book “Young World Rising: How Youth Technology and Entrepreneurship is Changing the World” We did a quick interview where weRead… Read more »

Jennovation 1.1: Don’t Go it Alone: Why Public-Private Partnerships Make Sense

Welcome to the second posting of my featured Govloop blog series—Jennovation—coming to you every other Monday. This series contains my musings on innovation, Open Government (Open Gov) and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). Let me start by saying, I was rather surprised by the comments on my first posting. While Gov 2.0, Open Gov and innovation haveRead… Read more »