Search Results for: Cloud

Productivity Improvements — From Cloud-Based Apps

Cloud based communication and collaboration services help you ease into the daunting world of cloud-based services by using the most mature product. These products offer rich features at a low price without the hassle of managing the infrastructure. The major players are Google Apps for Government and Microsoft Office 365. I have used both andRead… Read more »

Enterprise Content Management and the Cloud: IDC White Paper

Cloud computing has revolutionized an organizations’ ability to improve service delivery. With additional technologies like mobile and enterprise content management (ECM) systems, agencies now have a powerful technology arsenal to innovate and excel in today’s growing digital economy. The recent increase in cloud computing adoption brings with it a shared interest in enterprise content managementRead… Read more »

Are Cloud Brokers the Way of the Future?

Everything we do in today’s complex IT world revolves around the need to secure the enterprise. Without having the confidence that data and information is protected, adoption will be stifled, innovation will suffer and services will not be delivered efficiently and effectively. With increasing demand from citizens to provide modernized services, agencies are looking toRead… Read more »

Federal Forecast: Cloudy with a Chance of Rain

The Future is a Little Cloudy Almost every IT organization is looking toward a future where more and more of their infrastructure moves into the cloud. Unfortunately, many of these organizations will stumble on their way to the cloud. The problem is often one of understanding the opportunity and how it maps to your business.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

What type of cloud (Saas, PaaS, IaaS) is best for your organization?

Using SaaS to Solve Problems. Everybody is talking about the cloud right now. Unfortunately they often aren’t making many distinctions. Cloud simply equals cloud. However there is a big difference between just moving dumping your on premise boxes to move into a public cloud offering (IaaS) and buying a true SaaS solution. Moving your boxesRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

States Double Down On Cloud Computing – Don’t Miss The Train

“Cloud computing has changed the way that CIOs procure goods and services in the government. The cloud computing train left the station a long time ago, it is more than past time for governments to fully jump on board.” – Meredith Ward. More than 74% of state CIOs say they have at least one applicationRead… Read more »

4 Ways to Get the Most Out of Cloud Computing – RECAP

Three years ago the term cloud computing buzzed into the government space, but now a few years have passed and agencies are wondering what’s next? How do you maximize the use of cloud? How can you capitalize on its benefits? How do you avoid risk and security concerns? GovLoop and Oracle teamed-up to provide trainingRead… Read more »

Super Bowl and Cloud Computing? CBG Round-up, 01.31.2014

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Innovation Conversations Alex Howard tweeted a line from the #SOTU: “There are fewer & fewer technical restraints on what we can do. That forces us to ask questions about what we should do,” which lead Jim Daly to ask “When There Are No Barriers to Technology, How Can the Government Innovate?” which inRead… Read more »

8 Reasons Why You Should Be Leveraging Cloud Computing

GovLoop recently published a resource on how cloud computing is transforming government agencies, and is a critical technology shaping the agency of the future. You can read the report below or Download PDF. This post identifies 8 reasons why your agency must consider the cloud, and how cloud is changing the role of the governmentRead… Read more »