Search Results for: research

Hyperlocal websites are invaluable to Local Authorities

I was recently interviewed about hyperlocal websites relationship with Camden Council (in response to this blog post; “Digital Strategy: How Camden will be engaging with the local community through hyperlocal websites“) and an overview about our new website. This article has now been published and featured on E-Gov Bulletin by Dan Jellinek titled ‘Hyperlocal’ InformationRead… Read more »

Live Blog & Video – Service Delivery New Brunswick

Live-blogging from notes Service One – Integrated Service Delivery and the Need for a Paradigm Shift Stephen Dixon Service New Brunswick Service vs Enforcement/Monopoly -Private sector – service quality and standards -Government regulations enforcement interactions with public -Putting a square peg in a round hole – public vs private is different It’s not aboutRead… Read more »

Does Federal Personnel Management Policy Prohibit Social Networking Based Job Referrals?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. More than 5 years ago my first exposure to “web 2.0” based professional networking was via Linkedin. As an independent IT management consultant it seemed natural to use web based networking to grow and develop professional relatiomships. Combined with my blogging I embarked on a rewarding series of professional experiencesRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Austin’s Crowd-sourced City Budget

This past week, while I was in Texas, I learned that the City of Austin has launched an innovative online tool for the public to provide comment about their 2010-2011 Budget. Community members will be able to vote on priorities for unmet service demands and potential service reductions as the City works toward formulating itsRead… Read more »

Jennovation 1.0: Leveraging Innovation, Open Government, and Public-Private Partnerships to Create Public Value

Welcome to the first posting of the Jennovation blog series! As a featured blogger on Govloop, I will be posting every other Monday, beginning June 14, 2010, about my musings on innovation, Open Government (Open Gov) and Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). But how to these three—seemingly loosely connected subject areas—relate enough to justify being lumped together?Read… Read more »

Top 5: Risks for Using Social Media in the Organization

The paper and the article are talking primarily to the private sector but suspect there is a significant amount of relevance to the public sector as well 1. Introduction of viruses and malware to the organizational network 2. Exposure to customers and the enterprise through a fraudulent or hijacked corporate presence 3.Unclear or undefined contentRead… Read more »

Lesjak on A Proposal of Representative Legal e-Services Based on a Slovenian Case Study

Benjamin Lesjak of the University of Maribor Faculty of Law will present a paper entitled A Proposal of Representative Legal e-Services Based on a Slovenian Case Study, at The eChallenges e-2010 Conference, to be held 27-29 October 2010, in Warsaw, Poland. Here is the abstract of the paper: Information technology is widely used in allRead… Read more »

An Insider or an Innovator for Twitter in DC?

There’s been a lot of reading between the lines of Twitter’s job posting for a DC-based government liaison (and even one instance of actual follow-up reporting). One post really caught my attention – because I disagree with it so vehemently. My friend Alan W. Silberberg, a Gov 2.0 innovator and founding organizer of Gov 2.0Read… Read more »

Little or No Training Budget? Pressed for Time? Check out Web Manager University

Hi there – I’m Alycia and I am super excited to be writing my first blog post for GovLoop. I am a program coordinator for Web Manager University (WMU), and will be sharing with you training opportunities, government innovations, and cool websites and tools that I find through research for the WMU programs. Web ManagerRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and Organizational Culture

Two interesting articles about organizational culture in the latest issue of the “Journal of Organizational Change Management.” The first article is a cultural analysis of organizational memory and its role in organizational change while the second article describes how organizational memory can hinder learning a new technology. In the first article, McCabe gives a moreRead… Read more »