Search Results for: research

The Supreme Court’s “Inconsistent” History on Affirmative Action

I recently heard an assertion that the United States’ Supreme Court has acted “inconsistently” in regards to its affirmative action decisions, and decided that it was a strong enough claim that I ought to have an opinion myself. I know—what kind of crazy person would find this type of discussion interesting? Well, for better orRead… Read more »

Best Practices for Government Libraries 2010 – Now Available

Best Practices 2010: The New Face of Value. is now available in a PDF version. Best Practices is a collaborative document that is put out annually on a specific topic of interest to government libraries and includes content submitted by government librarians and community leaders with an interest in government libraries. The 2010 edition includesRead… Read more »

Value proposition of open data : a framework for measuring success

Performance measurement is all about storytelling, but as with most things, it helps to have a logical framework to build that story arch. Best practice tells us we should measure success in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction > both internally to government and externally to public. Since there may not be proven examples outRead… Read more »

Learning from medical practitioners on why and how they use social media

I’ve recently conducted some research on how medical practitioners are using social media in their profession. This blog post lists down some examples of how medical practitioners can use social media. Check out the weblinks to see it in practice. Hopefully these examples will inspire people in government to use social media in more creativeRead… Read more »

Why YOU should start blogging!

I know alot of the people that read this blog already have a blog, but for those who don’t have a blog.. I’d like to tell you why you should start blogging. First of all, take a look at some of these questions… Do you feel like you’re in a rut? Do you feel thatRead… Read more »

Blogging Tips: My Methods for Blogging (In Plain English)

I often get asked what is it that motivates me to write and how do I get inspired. Well to tell you the truth, I don’t have a specific method when I’m writing a blog… well at least not one that I would say I stick to. There are different types of blog posts andRead… Read more »

Increasing transparency through local government web development blogs

This is a cross-posting from Camden Council’s website redesign project blog – which I also write for. You can also follow my research on my Facebook page. Ever since we launched our web development blog, there has been an increased interest in local government web development blogs. Looking at some of the response below (tweetsRead… Read more »

Government-to-Citizen Communications: Utilising multiple digital and social media channels effectively

Liz effectively articulates how local government can use integrated, multi-channel communications to increase access to information and services, improve opportunities for engagement, and offer members of the community a choice in how they get their information. Stephen Cross from Hillingdon Council If you wish to follow more of Liz’s tips and research in the future,Read… Read more »