Search Results for: research

Hilhorst & van Engers on E-dossier at the Dutch Council of State: Design, Implementation and Lessons Learned

Dr. Richard Hilhorst of Raad van State and Professor Dr. Tom van Engers of the Leibniz Center for Law at the University of Amsterdam, have published E-dossier at the Dutch Council of State: Design, Implementation and Lessons Learned, in ICT4JUSTICE 2009: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on ICT Solutions for Justice, Skopje, FYR Macedonia,Read… Read more »

Public Service Value Chain links happy staff to citizen confidence

Since I started blogging, I’ve been trying to focus on making performance management practical. I wrote some months ago about the what Fortune magazine called “The World’s Most Modern Management Idea” when companies implemented policies that focused on staff satisfaction, after research linked happy employees to investor profits. This is known as the service valueRead… Read more »

A Primer on Local Government Mobile Apps

If you take a look at current television commercials or tech blogs, you’ll quickly find a great deal of attention focused on smartphones and the mobile applications (apps for short) that are built on top of them. While traditionally focused on the Blackberry-dominated business user niche, smartphones made the shift to the mainstream after Apple’sRead… Read more »

10 Steps to Finding and Choosing the Federal Contracting Opportunities that Are Perfect for Your Company

The famous saying goes: “True love is like a pair of socks: you gotta have two and they’ve gotta match.” For you to succeed in winning government contracts, and find customers with whom you will stay for a long, long time – like in a marriage of sorts – you have to carefully match yourRead… Read more »

Brownie points, or results?

Using the Gulf oil spill to get clear about measuring Open Government Measure “Open Government”? Yes, but … I think that the success of the Obama Administration’s Open Government effort is critical, but I’m put off, even bored, by the measurement discussions to date. Imagine that you’ve got good reason to believe that your nephewRead… Read more »

Empowering Change: Fostering Innovation in the Australian Public Service

The Australian Public Service (APS) Management Advisory Committee (MAC) last year commissioned a report on public sector innovation and what could be done to encourage innovation in the APS. That report, Empowering Change: Fostering Innovation in the Australian Public Service, has now been released. The report looks at the innovation ‘state of play’ in AustraliaRead… Read more »

The People Side of Change in Technology Implementations

The Enterprise Resource Planning systems (ERP) market is now worth upwards of $21 billion. Going into 2008, Cambridge, Mass.-based market researcher Forrester predicted a compound annual growth rate of 4.2 percent for ERP solution packages, and that number has continued to climb. The use of technology in the workplace is expanding at an astounding rate.Read… Read more »

How to Travel in Style

So I’ve been traveling a lot lately. And once you start traveling a lot, you start to learn the tricks of the trade. Here’s my how-to tips on traveling 1. Decide on a loyalty program – Pick one hotel chain and one airline and focus on them at any costs. You will get much betterRead… Read more »