Search Results for: research

Extreme Job Search Makeover

Have you ever wondered what is going on with your Job Search and if you are doing everything you possibly need to do to get your next job? Well here is an opportunity to get a jump start to your job search. Our first ever Extreme Job Search Makeover will be a contest for twoRead… Read more »

Weekly newsletter on leading-edge knowledge that will help us create a more open government

Research Reports 1. Mobile Web Will Rule by 2015 (04/12/2010) – Morgan Stanley predicts the future of the Internet and highlights important online trends… 2. New UK standards for measuring government websites (04/2010). Highlights: Measuring Website Usage Measuring Website Costs Measuring Website Quality 3. Making the Most of Social Media:Read… Read more »

National Writing Examiner (NWE)101: the consultant proposal

by Donna L. Quesinberry National Writing Examiner (NWE) The precursor to the “Consultant’s Proposal (CP)” is good capture management recognition. It is essential in the enablement of quality consulting to excel in communication. Before writing a CP, the Consultant should have a verbal and mental agreement in place already that is the result of buildingRead… Read more »

E-government and the volcano

Where was/is e-government during the current/recent travel crisis? Having been stranded in Tarragona, south of Barcelona, amongst a group of foreign nationals wanting to get home or elsewhere after a conference, I thought I should asked the question, what, if anything could or should e-government have done? From my view, the first target on theRead… Read more »

Why A new Group? A/E/C-Public Works- Construction- A&E (Local Govt)

There goes Hal! Starting another group! Why? The answer is actually simple. I am trying to fill a niche which, based on recent experience on GovLoop, I believe has been under filled. As a result of participating in other groups including my own, I find people whose primary interests are not addressed. A little researchRead… Read more »

Why Understanding the Cycle of Business Development is important to Winning Government Proposals

My 5-year-old daughter, when working on a puzzle, knows to glance at the whole picture first, before starting to assemble the pieces. She is up to 30-piece puzzles now, which have gotten quite complex. So, her process is to study the picture, and then find a corner piece to which she then starts adding pieces.Read… Read more »

E-government and sex

Amongst the many papers presented at the Ethicomp 2010 conference was one by Georgia Foteinou, consultant on e-government within the EU and new member states, and researcher at Oxford. Her paper is entitled “E-exclusion and the gender digital divide“. Georgia has examined the available data from Cap Gemini’s exercises on behalf of the EU, whichRead… Read more »

Acquisition Rules of Thumb

Below is an updated version of the old Acquisition Manifesto. Manifesto wasn’t really applicable to what this project turned into, so the title has been changed. In addition, new rules of thumb have been added and the list is now alphabetized. However, I think there may be too many categories, so some may need toRead… Read more »

Weekly newsletter on leading-edge knowledge that will help us create a more open government

Research Reports 1. OpenGovernment Reports from the UK and Australia (12//2009): See how Australia and the U.K. have developed plans similar to the U.S. Australia encourages “info-philanthropy” (such as a tax deduction for sharing data) and having employees engage online and experiment with new ideas. The U.K. is opening up data, integrating cross-jurisdictional information, emphasizingRead… Read more »

Get Rid of Government! (But Then What?)

We should just dismantle the government. We don’t trust the people who work in government. We don’t believe that they are committed to being good stewards of our tax money. And we generally feel as if they are incompetent and incapable of performing at levels of excellence that would in any way allow us toRead… Read more »