Search Results for: personal brand

Is the Foreign Office too cool for Quora?

One of the joys of sudden web trends is the speed at which the too-cool-for-school types start to affect disdain and boredom for something that’s been popular for all of a week or so.Take– a US-based site which styles itself as ‘a continually improving collection of questions and answers created, edited, and organized byRead… Read more »

Government and Social Media–Creating Meaningful Experiences

By Leonard Sipes We are witnessing a fundamental shift in how people communicate. There are few times in world history where that happens and we are witnessing major change right now. For centuries, we traded information about concepts, products and beliefs face-to-face. All that changed with social media and the internet (see “When Did WeRead… Read more »

Review: Bob Fine’s ‘The Big Book of Social Media’

I did my first advance praise copy for a mass market book in 2010 (Mark Amtower’s “Selling to the Government”). What that means is getting a review chapter and a table of context and coming up with something pithy about the author and why their book matters. I’ve also received a couple of books fromRead… Read more »

2010 Creativity World Forum-notes

2010 Creativity World Forum Working to transform our world through creative initiatives which lead to a more entrepreneurial and vibrant economy along with a better quality of life for its citizens. Conference Notes Nov. 2010 Sher Sester Links Oklahoma State of Creativity newsroom Read about the Oklahoma State of Creativity Read aboutRead… Read more »

Mobile Virtual Platforms – Possible sea change

(PingBack to original post on There have been a few recent developments that have individually generated an aggregate reaction somewhat equivalent to “Meh” (although the specialty markets and analysts have been abuzz). However, taken together, I think they can form the platform basis for a Sea Change in mobile platforms. Of course, aRead… Read more »

The Government Man Goes Hollywood – Part 2

Welcome to another blog. I am a retired Senior Executive (GSA) and the author of a recently published book, Confessions of a Government Man (an excellent Holiday gift for any past, present or future govie). In my last blog I told the first part of the story of my brief Hollywood career while in theRead… Read more »

QR codes – The teksters version of a secret decoder ring!

Anyone that has spent any time around me in recent months won’t be surprised to see me blogging about QR codes. In fact, a colleague recently sent me this link, Arrrgmented Reality, because I have them up on my office window, in our breakroom (yes, it’s a foursquare check-in location), and on cards and lettersRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

My 4 Part Government Engagement Funnel

Often government engagement is done as a one-off. A one-time call for feedback. A one-time challenge. However, I think government should think more about building long-term relationships and engagement with stakeholders. Think about it in a non-profit, political, or for-profit model: -For-profit – Does Groupon want you to just buy today’s deal? Nope – theyRead… Read more »

Geek Nostalgia – What my geek past has taught me

Its weird when you think back and see how things affect you over time, and how what you know is rooted in the path you take in life. I recently read Malcolm Gladwell’s excellent book “Outliers” that carries this underlying message throughout its narrative. Among many of its messages, I was really intrigued by theRead… Read more »

Is the State Department Wiki Leaks the Beginning of a Nightmare For Open Government?

After three days of consuming the best of cuisine during Thanksgiving holiday, I have once again experienced my usual holiday epiphany to become inspired. It is usually around this time of year, that I personally and professionally aspire to take my goal setting to the next level. Honestly speaking, I am excited about expanded hopesRead… Read more »