Search Results for: research

Congressman Honda weighs in on Social Media and Government 2.0

I had the pleasure of asking questions of Congressman Mike Honda, via his Legislative Correspondent/Online Communications Coordinator, Ahmed R. Bhadelia. While a more direct communication is always preferable I appreciate the Congressman, and his Staff, taking time out of a very busy schedule to respond. Q. What are your views on the open government directiveRead… Read more »

Does Your Website Say, “We Care About You?”

When citizens come to your website, what’s the first message they get? Is it, “we care about YOU, and we’re going to make sure you can do what you want?” Or is it, “first let me tell you about me?” I read two interesting articles this week about how important it is to show yourRead… Read more »

Tip 1 for Winning Government Contracts: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefit from these. PART 1.

This is the second blog in the series of 10 tips for winning government contracts and growing in the federal market. You can see the first blog post here. Today I am going to cover the first part of Tip 1: Understand the full gamut of federal market opportunities and where your business could benefitRead… Read more »

Career Disruption Stress or Surviving “The Jack Benny Dilemma”: When It Really Is “Your Money or Your Life”

This week I was the keynote speaker at the Forty Plus annual dinner (, a volunteer-based, Washington, DC, career transition/support group. In general, members are white collar types, e.g., federal employees, managers, IT professionals, academics, even some entrepreneurs, who are “in between jobs.” With only 20 minutes of speaking time, my subject was definitely apt,Read… Read more »

IT”S ONLY A SAFETY PIN! A true story by Meyer Moldeven How might adolescents and teenagers of this 21st century relate to and communicate with grandparents and the elderly? Based on a real encounter, this story tells what happened during my chance meeting with a young adult. He was about 17; I was in myRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 for Providers of Official Statistics

By Seth Grimes, Sponsored by Space-Time ResearchThe Importance of Official Statistics Governments collect, produce, and disseminate a huge volume and variety of data in the course of their operations. While much of this data relates to government administration — to budgeting, planning, and program performance — it is official statistics that most capture our interest.Read… Read more »

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CFC-Supported Groups Help EPA Attorney’s Children Thrive, Despite Cystic Fibrosis

Janet Weiner’s daughter Melissa seemed perfect at birth. With a 2 ½-year-old boy at home, things seemed to be going great. But 14 weeks later, Weiner and her family took Melissa to a friend’s christening and realized their 8-pound daughter looked like the newborns. After a series of tests, they learned Melissa had cystic fibrosis-andRead… Read more »

PC Refresh Cycle ready to touch down in government?

Earlier this month, NextGov’s Bob Brewin wrote about the Department of Veterans Affairs’ plans for an extensive PC refresh cycle that translates to millions in spending to improve the agency’s technological infrastructure. In Brewin’s article, he notes that “the department owns about 240,000 PCs. The new contract will provide an additional 360,000 computers to supplyRead… Read more »

My Mother Always Told Me to Be Well Rounded: Do Employers Think the Same?

Growing up my mother made sure that I was exposed to culture, art, music, and science. I was almost as diversified as you could possibly get for being a “small-town” kid. When the time came for me to head off to college and pick a major, I followed these same adolescent teachings. Not wanting toRead… Read more »