Search Results for: research

Measuring Success by Your Reflection

Most discussions I’ve been part of about measurements usually involve identifying a desired outcome and looking for a numeric representation of that outcome. This makes perfect sense and there’s loads of research and supporting evidence that having metrics and measurements are an important part of most outcome-based projects. Over the years, however, I’ve come toRead… Read more »

The Future of Federal IT Spending

(Note this Blog is written by Rick Marcotte, CEO of DLT Solutions and comes from A recently published and well-read blog in this sector recently disclosed that government contractors surveyed by Grant Thornton LLP experienced revenue boosts from federal business during the past year. Here are a couple of thoughts on why that mightRead… Read more »

OFCCP Audits: How Will You Answer the Outreach to Veterans and Persons with Disabilities Questions?

(Originally posted on on March 5, 2010) I’ve recently come across some LinkedIn discussions, blogs and articles on Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) audits. The one thing that seems to be catching HR professionals by surprise during the audits is the OFCCP’s interest in their company’s demonstrated outreach to veterans and personsRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup (March 12 Edition)

The State Department visualizes data, the FBI has an app for that, the First Lady offers prizes to get kids moving, and the Department of Homeland Security sniffs out a unique mobile application, all in this week’s version of the Rock Creek Roundup. –Earlier this week, the State Department, in conjunction with the University ofRead… Read more »

A Brave New Grid – The Decision

Last month I decided to close down the Public Works Group island in Second Life. Over the last 2 1/2 years, the island allowed many people the opportunity to see and explore how virtual worlds could enhance the public works industry. The site also provided a place for people to meet and experience virtual worldsRead… Read more »

Developing a Social Media Strategy

With all of the Agencies putting together their OpenGov plans due in April, I am curious as to how many have a coherent Social Media Strategy. developing-a-social-strategy-webinar is a great starting point. How do Agencies go beyond using social channels to simply push information and instead actually engage and listen to employees and the generalRead… Read more »

GovReads: “Achieving Project Management Success in the Federal Government”

A few years ago, I (Andrew Krzmarzick – the guy behind Dr. GovLoop) obtained my Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. It’s a grueling process, and I have a lot of respect for others who have taken the time to gain this credential. While there are tons of books written on the subject, very few (ifRead… Read more »

Social Media & Government: An Oxymoron or a Perfect Challenge? orginally published by NAGC Newsletter, February 2010Social Media & Government: An Oxymoron or a Perfect Challenge?Author: Andrea Schneider Social Media is an Open System. Thriving social media sites are interactive, ever evolving, receptive to change, build relationships, share information, and rely on constant communication. They are community building, dependent on participation, and highly collaborativeRead… Read more »

there are no new ideas

Having just joined govloop this past week, I have been thinking about what I would share here. Today, after a meeting with Bowen Moran (@bxmx) and my colleague Devin Serink (@dserink), I have a bit more direction. As a short introduction I am a consultant working with the City of Edmonton. I used to workRead… Read more »