Search Results for: research

Government 2.0: How to Get Involved

Harvard and FutureGov research into Frontiers of Service in a Networked World: Complete our survey, tag content HKS20 (#HKS20 on Twitter), leave comments to the blog by Friday 26th February to share your thoughts on the current and future use of technology in public service delivery: Reform is the New Change: Do ItRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: How foreign militaries lifted gay bans

Happy Tuesday! As the U.S. military begins a major review of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy banning gay people from openly serving in the military, leaders may want to consult an updated study set for release today that reviews how 25 nations lifted similar bans with relative success. The Palm Center at the UniversityRead… Read more »

US Health Care: Why Privatization Is Inefficient – Part 3 of 4

The Industry of Illness It is a reality of our time that the same companies promoting health care products are also largely responsible for underwriting their research. Skepticism about this model of business has led to pharmacoeconomic studies of the popular antidepressants, which demonstrate a clear association between study sponsorship and quantitative outcome (Baker etRead… Read more »

Kundra Commits to Mobile

I was heartened to read that Federal CIO Vivek Kundra is committing funds to open a mobile app store on the platform in 6 months time. With a few mobile apps out there from the White House, NASA and the USPS, the importance of mobile could finally be getting the attention it deserves. It’sRead… Read more »

I Hate “Lurkers”

I just finished reading an article called “Active lurkers – the hidden asset in online communities.” Here’s an excerpt: “Most communities have 90% of users who are lurkers – people who may consume things from the community, but who don’t contribute…While it is inevitable that larger communities will end up with 1% of their membersRead… Read more »

Partner Blog Series

GovLoop partner’s are doing amazing things in government – and that is why we write about their achievements, advancements and overall support of government. Cisco Blogs 3 Different Ways to Communicate Via Online Meetings Lessons Learned from the UK: Kent Police Department Cisco Unveils New Security System at Republican National Convention Is BYOD a baneRead… Read more »

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A Sole Source Contract for Social Networking?!?

I’m attempting to crosspost this from my WordPress blog, but am not sure how it will come out. If it looks like garbage, please visit Something has been bugging me all day. And it has to do with the Navy’s recent Notice of Intent to award a sole source contract for the development ofRead… Read more »

Greater Transparency in Government link to Citizen Trust

Today we released our inaugural E-Government Transparency Index. You can download the report for free on our website and read about it on NextGov. For years we have measured satisfaction of government web sites using the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) methodolgy which has been the “Gold Standard” in the federal government since the lateRead… Read more »

US Health Care: Why Privatization Is Inefficient – Part 2 of 4

Spending More, Getting Less — The Public System Because of their identity as government programs, societal scepticism about the US government’s ability to manage efficiently, and the relative reduction of power and status allotted to the primary recipients of public health care (the poor and elderly), Medicare and Medicaid are often the target of spendingRead… Read more »