Search Results for: research

Solid Foundations – thoughts on how leadership styles emerge

After a very hectic and fun 2009, I’m finally finding some time to get back to my blog, and the associated research involved in writing. This is something I’m quite passionate about. In cleaning up this blog I found five half-baked blog posts on everything from Principle Centered Leadership to an exploration of my leadershipRead… Read more »

Liking Your Name

I’ve always been a fan of my name. To me it sounds cool. Stephen Anthony Ressler. Stephen A. Ressler. Steve Ressler. Crisp. Somewhat unique. Not too old-fashioned. Not too hipsterish. To me it’s like being from Ohio. My name is a good middle-ground. Gives a slightly positive general vibe but is somewhat neutral. And basedRead… Read more »

Do Decreases in Child Abuse Explain Decreases in Violent Crime?

February 15, 2010 Crime in Amerrica.Net In January we posted an article on why crime rates were falling. We stated that there was no universal explanation for crime rates regardless as to whether they were rising or falling. We admitted that this was confusing to people not in the justice system; the criminological community simplyRead… Read more »

A fundemental problem in introducing new technology and business change

On my Capgemini Blog someone posted a very insightful comment recently; “If you are a carpenter with a traditional saw and you buy a motor powered bench saw (new technology) then you had better change the way you work because lifting up the new bench saw and taking it to the wood certainly isn’tRead… Read more »

Oversight of Contracting Needs To Be Overhauled In Rebuilding Efforts

From The Acquisition Corner As the devastation unfolds in the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, it is clear that rebuilding the country will be one of the greatest nation-building exercises ever undertaken. To that end, federal agencies have started turning to contractors to support the missions of recovery and relief, and ultimately, reconstruction. WhatRead… Read more »

Introduction to Legal Ontologies & the Legal Semantic Web, by Núria Casellas

Professor Núria Casellas of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Departament de Ciència Política i Dret Públic and Institute of Law and Technology (IDT) has published Semantic Enhancement of Legal Information… Are We Up for the Challenge?, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, a publication of the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. Dr. Casellas’s postRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Effective Delegation

As an executive coach, I have seen a number of my clients facing challenges related to the issue of delegation. These leaders often find that they don’t have enough time during the day to get everything done, and they can’t figure out what they might be doing wrong. They are often not doing the workRead… Read more »

Crime Rankings for Cities: A Fair Comparison?

February 10, 2010 There is a recent article in the New York Times addressing whether or not officers and command staff accurately recorded crime data. The article by William Rashbaum states: “More than a hundred retired New York Police Department captains and higher-ranking officers said in a survey that the intense pressure to produce annualRead… Read more »

Mecklenburg County eGovernment Strategic Plan

Last week I shared Mecklenburg County’s Social Media Strategy, which is really a document related to our overall eGovernment Strategic Plan. The link to the eGov plan is provided with this blog post, and you are welcome to use any or all of the content. (And, if by chance, we have plaigerized anything, it wasRead… Read more »

Private & Public Abundance: The Fuel Behind the United States’ 20th-Century Rise

I just returned from a (smooth and perfect) two-weeks cross country trip through Panama, my home country. The trip had multiple purposes including reconnecting with parts of the country I had not visited in over 15 years. But, an unexpected result from this much planned journey came from an unlikely source. While driving to theRead… Read more »