Search Results for: research

Government Game

Hello All, I know that it is a snow day for many individuals on the east coast today (or at least I know that our nonprofit corporate office stationed in Pennsylvania is having a snow-day), so I thought that I would share a fun new government game that with you that I found on aRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Andrea Schneider

If you’ve been a member of one of Andrea Schneider’s groups, you know why Andrea hosts some of the most fascinating conversations on GovLoop. The titles alone may entice you to join: – Evaluation: The Data and The Story – Social Networking, Leadership and Innovation in the Applied Setting – Who’s Running the Show? ARead… Read more »

How To – Accessibility Hack #2: Using Headings to Improve Navigation

This is a crosspost of In his review of New York City’s website, the esteemed web accessibility expert Jim Thatcher docked the site points for not having headings, which assist readers in navigating the content. WebAIM’s Screen Reader User Survey found that headings are the primary mechanism for finding information within a page. ARead… Read more »

Leadership for Vision, Action and Impact (Gov20 L.A.)

Note: I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. This post references the Harvard Kennedy School’s Government 2.0 Research Survey. If you haven’t takenRead… Read more »

Adding transparency to the public meeting process

I have thought more about the value technology can bring to government 2.0, specifically the public meeting process that, in most towns, sees only a few people ever take part. I was chatting with someone on the GovLoop site recently, Justin Mosebach, about the meeting process, here are his thoughts. “People have busy lives. WhetherRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

CITP Seeks Visiting Faculty, Scholars or Policy Experts for 2010-2011

Applications, with submission deadline of 1 March 2010, are invited for positions as Visiting Faculty, Scholars, or Policy Experts at Princeton University’s Center for Information and Technology Policy (CITP) for the 2010-2011 academic year. CITP’s director is Professor Edward W. Felten. CITP is, among other things, the location of important government technology, government technology policy,Read… Read more »

DoD Deputy CIO on Secure Information Sharing

Today on Federal Executive Forum, Dave Wennergren, Deputy CIO, Office of the Secretary of Defense, shared his views on secure information sharing. Mr. David M. Wennergren serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Information Management, Integration and Technology / Deputy Chief Information Officer, providing top-level advocacy in creating a unified information managementRead… Read more »

Levelland Economic Developer Earns National Certification

Charles David “Dave” Quinn Receives Designation of Certified Economic Developer from the International Economic Development Council Dave Quinn, Executive Director, Levelland Economic Development Corporation, Levelland Texas recently earned the designation of Certified Economic Developer (CEcD), a national recognition that denotes a mastery of principal skills in economic development, professional attainment and a commitment to personalRead… Read more »

Whither Web 1.0

Originally posted on Online Odyssey With Gov2.0 LA days away where open gov, cloud computing, gov2gov collaboration and more will be discussed, I find myself increasingly, and ironically speaking and championing more and more Web 1.0. Yes, it would seem that despite my Gov 2.0 attachments and engagements I am a Web 1.0 champion. Now,Read… Read more »