Search Results for: research

White House proposes 1.4 percent pay raise

By Jason Miller Executive Editor Federal News Radio President Obama is proposing to give federal employees and military servicemen and women the same pay raise-1.4 percent-the lowest recommendation in almost 40 years The President submitted his fiscal 2011 budget to Congress today detailing several proposals, including an entire section devoted to the federal workforce andRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Gov’t Privacy News Summary – Jan 23 -31

My friend Fred puts together this awesome privacy news highlights and said I could cross-post… So here we go: Privacy News Highlights 23–31 January 2010 Contents: US – NH House Passes Bill Banning Fingerprint IDs. 3 CA – B.C. Names Acting Privacy Commissioner 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Launches New Facebook Probe. 3 CA –Read… Read more »

Federal Eye: Critics pan release of government information

Transparency advocates and good government groups rendered a mixed verdict this week on the Obama administration’s recent release of hundreds of sets of government data, arguing that many federal agencies chose to release obscure or outdated facts and figures at the expense of long-standing requests for more relevant, sensitive information. As part of the administration’sRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Gov 2.0 Jobs, Moves, and Opportunities

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Inspired by Jeremiah Owyang’s excellent “On the Move” series of blog postings meant to track and congratulate folks who get promoted, move, or accept new exciting positions in the social media community, I wanted to to start this semi-regular (maybe once every other month?) postRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: Estimate: 66,000 gays in the military

Happy Tuesday! An estimated 66,000 gay, lesbian and bisexual people are serving in the U.S. military, roughly 2 percent of all military personnel, according to a report released Tuesday by a gay rights policy center. The figures suggest a slight increase in the number of gays, lesbians and bisexuals in the military, and they provideRead… Read more »

Crime Statistics: No Prison Sentences for Most Felony Convictions

January 25, 2010 We appreciate your opinions at Gentlereaders: A student was asking about incarceration in the United States. He is aware that the United States is the world’s leader in rates of incarceration per a number of sources. According to the New York Times: “The United States has less than 5 percent ofRead… Read more »

World Government Data – Is this the league table? Is there an international dimension?

Data Store – World Government Data Hi When I checked this out by looking at the data posted by country the results were: UK=1,699, U.S = 1042, New Zealand = 245 and Australia = 69. So on the face of it Australia is lagging behind. When I started to look at what is actually providedRead… Read more »

Conference Report: Legal Information Issues at POGW: Princeton Open Government Workshop

The workshop entitled Open Government: Defining, Designing, and Sustaining Transparency (POGW), held 21-22 January 2010 at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), featured much valuable discussion about legal information. (The Twitter hashtag for the workshop is #pogw. An apparently complete collection of tweets from the workshop is available here. My tweets from theRead… Read more »

Participation and Collaboration – Let’s Make It Work

Open government. Public participation and collaboration. Awesome! So let’s make it work. Let’s learn from the mistakes a bunch of us made back in the 90’s when we put up online “discussion” rooms and held online “town halls.” If you want the pay-off – if you want good ideas and positive outcomes – you haveRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Are You in a Good Mood?

I had an interesting question posed to me this past week: Does being in a good mood or a bad mood affect your ability to carry out your role as a leader, manager, or supervisor? Let’s tackle that issue. You’ve probably heard comments like this at your workplace: Wow, she got up on the wrongRead… Read more »