Search Results for: research

PAIRS Study: Relationship Skills Training Prevents Four Out of Five Divorces.

Four in five couples on the brink of divorce achieve significant, lasting improvements from participation in 9 – 12 hours of relationship skills training, according to research published by the non-profit PAIRS Foundation. Seth Eisenberg, PAIRS President and CEO, says the study has important implications for the public and policy makers. “We now know weRead… Read more »

Step Back from the Brink

A recent PAIRS Foundation research report found that four out of five couples on the brink of divorce can transform their relationships by participating in brief, evidence-based marriage education classes led by qualified instructors. The PAIRS study offers ample cause for distressed couples to step back from the brink of marital breakdown to explore howRead… Read more »

Open Government Needs Public Participation Calendars

Originally posted on the Intellitics blog: Open Government Needs Public Participation Calendars Over at Sunlight Labs, they have some design suggestions today around how federal agencies should approach their new /open website sections with regard to data. Here’s the comment I just left (pretty much the same point I made on the OSTP blog aRead… Read more »

Useful Links for the Open Government Directive

Useful Links for the Open Government Directive OSTP Blog – The White House Open Government Dashboard – Seeking your input: Slides from Open Gov Directive Workshop: Evaluating the /open pages for the Open Government Directive: Sunlight Labs Open Watcher: Participation and Collaboration: Two Cornerstones to an Effective Open Government: BarryRead… Read more »

Herb of the Month – January – Enchinacea Root

This well known plant should always be on hand in the winter months. It was used extensively by most Native Americans. It is well researched and considered to be a broad spectrum anti-infective remedy. It works well with other herbs to fight infection anywhere in the body, be it internal or external. Enchinacea Root isRead… Read more »

Government Business 101: United States Constitution, the Executive Branch and Federal Contracting

From the Government Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry In 2009 the “New Transparency” took on an enhanced definition per President Obama’s Administration – the new transparency became a virtual enactment of the transparency and accountability that public funding through federal contracting already envisions. What is the course of action that a business takes orRead… Read more »

What’s YOUR Passion? Why should We Care?

This weekend, I participated in the Science Online 2010 conference at the Research Triangle in North Carolina, at the request of Karen James of the HMS Beagle Project. We connected on Twitter. She works in the UK. I work in DC. We met for the first time in North Carolina. Pretty cool, huh! Our panelRead… Read more »

Accessibility Hack #1: Captioning Online Video

This is a crosspost of Author: Glenda Watson Meet Karen Putz – a deaf mom of three deaf and hard of hearing teenagers. Her husband is also deaf. On top of being a busy mom, Karen is a sales manager for videophones and relay services for individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing.Read… Read more »

Drupal for Courts

A group of legal informatics researchers, of which I’m one, is currently trying to identify courts that use the Drupal open-source content management system for their Websites or other information systems. So far, we have identified just one court Website that uses Drupal: the emergency preparedness site of the U.S. District Court for the CentralRead… Read more »

Linked Data LCSH & RAMEAU Now Link to Each Other: Implications for Legal Informatics

The Linked Data version of the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and the Linked Data version of the French-language RAMEAU subject headings now link to each other. See, e.g., the link in the LCSH record for “subrogation” to the corresponding RAMEAU record, and the link in the corresponding RAMEAU record to the relevant LCSHRead… Read more »