Search Results for: research A Law-Related Open Government Data Project

[NOTE: Updated on 2 February 2010 to link to the Project Google Group. Updated on 27 January 2010 to link to video and a summary of the panel at the Princeton Open Government Workshop. Updated on 25 January 2010 to link to news about the National Inventory of Legal Materials. Updated on 23Read… Read more »

Looking for gov-based social media data

I’ve been contacted by a colleague looking for some data about the adoption of social media technology by government. Here’s her question, prompted by a presentation she’s preparing: “Are you aware of any research that reports on the level of involvement of the US government (either growth in recent years, or something that compares corporateRead… Read more »

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Why are violent crime rates falling? We Want Your Opinion

Gentlereaders: This is the title of an editorial in the Washington Post on Saturday, January 2, 2010. And as you can see from the national statistic on the bottom half of this article, crime is indeed down and down considerably. There are two thoughts that come to our minds when discussing the decline if crime.Read… Read more »

Its not just about technology – its also very much about organisational structure

If you are a long serving computing practitioner who has been through mainframes in data centres to mini computers in departmental computing and then to PC Networks and IT you might just recall hearing about Conway’s Law. Well its coming back again as we move into Clouds! Melvin Conway thesis that gave birth toRead… Read more »

What is Your Video SEO Strategy?

Even with my recent blog posts about the social media landscape, said landscape continues to morph at warp speed and we are seeing more and more videos everywhere; on business sites, news pages, personal websites, video hosting sites, mobile devices, social networks, blogs, cell phones, email and postings to video portals, and posting for clients.AsRead… Read more »

US DOT and Second Life: “Transportation Nation” Island

My government 2.0 worlds just collided this morning. I participated in the Transportation Research Board’s Annual Meeting yesterday and am now at the Open Government Directive Workshop Series. One of the presenters at the OGD event was Adam Schlicht of DOT, who highlighted DOT’s Second Life island called “Transportation Nation.” I found one of hisRead… Read more »

FOSE and GovSec/U.S. Law Announce Special Program on International Cybersecurity Issues and Initiatives

FOSE AND GOVSEC, U.S. LAW ANNOUNCE SPECIAL PROGRAM ON INTERNATIONAL CYBERSECURITY ISSUES AND INITIATIVES Speakers to Focus on Global Approaches to Counter Cybersecurity Threats FALLS CHURCH, Va. – January 6, 2010 –1105 Government Information Group, the leading provider of integrated information and media for the government information technology (IT) market, today announced it is addingRead… Read more »

I Can’t Get No Satisfaction – JOB Satisfaction

It was all over the news yesterday. Heard it on the radio, read it in the paper and online as well. Job Satisfaction is at an all-time low. 43% of Americans are happy in their jobs nowadays. This is according to the Conference Board research group who has been tracking job satisfaction for over 22Read… Read more »

Paradoxical Nicknames, Resilient Robots and Avatar Spinoffs: One Man’s Restless Journey into Creative and Cohesive Space-Time

Recently, an Internet colleague asked me to share how my mind works when it’s in creative gear. The question has motivated this essay: an examination of how a second colleague’s brainstorming request initially stirred those creative juices and, then, how a sci-fi cinema classic and a current mega-movie really got the electricity flowing…or jolted meRead… Read more »