Search Results for: research

Going from Better to Best in Gov 2.0: Map, Measure, Move Forward

Originally posted on The Better Buy blog. A couple of the key questions that agencies continue to ask about social media is “How do I make a business case for it?” and “How do I measure success?” Ultimately, those agencies that have answered these questions effectively – in advance of starting their project and allRead… Read more »

Wishing You A Merry Christmas In Augmented Reality!

With the help of and their partners, the City of Manor has placed a virtual 3-D Santa Claus on City Hall for your viewing pleasure. This virtual Santa Claus is visible from up to 3 miles away, and demonstrates the new augmented reality (AR) technologies being developed for mobile devices. Currently, it is onlyRead… Read more »

Reaching Out to Hispanics: What Government Agencies Need to Know

Rock Creek Strategic Marketing co-founder and principal Scott Johnson recently had a conversation with Carla Briceño of Bixal about what government agencies need to know when it comes to reaching out to Hispanic audiences. The blog post below is an overview of their discussion. People of the Internet, take note: The Hispanic online audience isRead… Read more »

What Would an Always-On-The-Record Government Look Like?

Recently, I wrote a post about Government 2.0 predictions for 2010-12, and one of them was that government would “always be on-the-record.” By that I meant that the combination of (1) the proliferation of tech-savvy citizens with mobile camera/video devices, (2) the prevalence of wi-fi or other Web connections, (3) the massive number of peopleRead… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency Phase 5: Repeat. Or, Go back to Phase 1, but not Square 1 – Build on your Success

A previous post laid out the Focus on Efficiency Framework: Plan – Decide – Implement – Review – Repeat. In this post you’ll learn how the capabilities and possibilities you’ve developed, will allow you to take your organization to the next higher level, and the next, and the next… When you repeat, you apply theRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Nancy Heltman

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead As human beings continue to have significant impacts on the environment and its resources, education is the perfect tool to inform individuals of how their behaviors and patterns are having negativeRead… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency Phase 4: Review your Impact

A previous post laid out the Focus on Efficiency Framework: Plan – Decide – Implement – Review – Repeat. In this post you’ll learn the importance of Reviewing the impact you’ve had on your organizations efficiency. You’ll Review at a pre-determined time which you set in your Planning stage. When exactly that will be, isRead… Read more »

Why I will never buy from Best Buy or buy a Sony laptop again.

The non-existing customer support of Best Buy / Geek Squad / Sony: Jan 11, 2009 – purchased Sony Vaio laptop with 2-year Geek Squad protection with Vista (XP was not available, but planned to replace with XP) Very soon was having problems with hibernating properly, which I attributed to Vista since I often had similarRead… Read more »

Better Buy Project Moves Forward

From The Acquisition Corner As collaboration tools, Gov 2.0, and other initiatives to encourage transparency and solicit input from stakeholders move forward, a pilot on this front met today to discuss implementing these ideas and creating further momentum via proof of concept. The Better Buy Project, as I discussed in a previous post, is aRead… Read more »

What is OCB?

OCB is lately getting some increased buzz in leadership circles. No, I’m not talking about obsessive-compulsive behavior, at least for now anyway. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is a fancy term for employee discretionary effort. In other words, OCB is discretionary behavior that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements, but that nonetheless supportsRead… Read more »