Search Results for: research

Big vs. Small Federal Agency Government 2.0

It’s almost commonplace to hear things like, Federal agencies are getting better with Government 2.0, transparency, and communicating with the public. But most of the examples of this that I see and hear are from big agencies. You know, agencies like these: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENTRead… Read more »

The Dangers of Being Too “Positive” in a Team Building Process: Or Don’t Just “Have a Nice Day!”

“You’re being negative!” Recently I led a team building workshop, and that was a federal government Division Director’s reply to my questioning, “Why the ‘Front Office’ meeting had not been working?” Preceding my operational assessment a number of people noted: a) that for several months people were not bringing relevant agenda issues to the meetingRead… Read more »

FOSE to Feature CloudCamp and Cloud Computing Pavilion in 2010

Building on Successes of 2009, Cloud Sessions Will Provide Educational Opportunities and Promote Collaboration FALLS CHURCH, Va. – December 9, 2009 – FOSE 2010, the most comprehensive event for government information technology (IT) professionals, today announced that it will be featuring its second annual CloudCamp and Cloud Computing Pavilion at FOSE. FOSE will be heldRead… Read more »

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Mission Tenants: The missing link in collaboration success

My colleague (and new GovLoop friend) Andrew posted a bang-up deck on measurement earlier today. I love metrics and poring over data, so I refer you to it. Good stuff. Already, organizations that are focused, proactive and disciplined about measurement are seeing good results. For example, last week, my nGenera colleague Laura Carillo presented atRead… Read more »

Transforming the Conventional into the Creative: Discovering and Designing the “Bright Crystals” of Contradiction

These days everyone wants to be creative, to “think out of the box.” But how do you walk the talk? As a workshop leader who often tries to give organizations a “Jolt of CPR: Being Creative, Passionate and Risk-Taking,” let me share one concept that just might be an integral component of creative thinking andRead… Read more »

Business Consultancy India – Dr. Shailesh Thaker

Multi-taskers are considered as the geniuses created by God of the 21st century. Have you ever wondered what is it that multi-taskers do that you can’t? The answer is nothing. Stanford University researchers have challenged a prevailing myth that multi-taskers are better at processing and organizing information. The people who multi-task the most are theRead… Read more »

The role of conflict and mediation in collaboration

As newer, web-enabled forms of collaboration have been gathering steam at all levels of government, it’s common to hear the discussion be all about the positive and little about the negative. But clearly, an ability to accommodate criticism, disagreement, and passionate debate are important aspects of a productive collaboration. The media coverage of the stolenRead… Read more »

Innovation Small Business Incubator Start-up Partnership Plan – Lance Winslow

By Lance Winslow Many countries are busy pouring money into R and D programs and yet, the United States, undeniably the most innovative and entrepreneurial nation in the world over the last century appears to be slipping a little, but one has to ask why? After all, with the abundance of freedom, liberty, and free-marketRead… Read more »

Top 50 Discounts for Government Employees

Everybody loves free or discounted stuff. We’ve scoured the web for the Top 50 discounts for government and military employees. Isn’t it time being a government employee started paying off? First Name* Last Name* Email Address* Zip or Postal Code* I want information on free: Online Training Courses Research Reports & Publications Daily Awesome NewsletterRead… Read more »

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Digital Identity – Thoughts from Fall conference

Had a great meeting hosted by FedEx at their Memphis HQ last week, covering research deliverables from the second half of 2009 and planned agenda for 2010. One of the hot topics was (and is) Digital Identity. There was an interesting post on this subject in the NY Times Bits blog this morning, basically sayingRead… Read more »

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