Search Results for: research

Social Networks; from knowledge Management to Knowing

Its an interesting point as to whether any organisation of size can function with out both ‘Business Intelligence’ meaning reporting on how well it is succeeding against the operational measures it has set itself, and its Knowledge Management system as its reference base of experience gained. However both are also strongly internally focussed and makeRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 9 – Productivity and Impact of Misuse

Productivity Social media tools can be valuable resources when used for work-related activities, but inappropriate use of these tools can be a drain on employer resources. Therefore, if an employer supports the use of social media tools during work hours, then that employer’s social media policy should include a reminder to employees that their useRead… Read more »

Seattle – FYI – Data Position – National Child Welfare role

I came across this – and, if you are qualified, it is a great role and a great organization. Casey Family Programs, an Equal Opportunity Employer, is a national operating foundation that provides and improves—and ultimately prevents the need for—foster care. We are currently looking for a Systems Improvement Advisor with a focus on dataRead… Read more »

One Year, Thousands of GovTwits

Today marks the one year anniversary of the GovTwit directory. Started as a simple blog post listing about 150 IDs, the directory now contains over 2,500 names of agencies and individuals in the public sector who are using Twitter to share information and ideas about critical issues facing government. In the past year we’ve seenRead… Read more »

Press Releases Wanted!

Dear U.S. Government Community, My news service NewsRoom America is about to relaunch our site, and an important part of this will be publishing press releases from the private and public sectors in real-time. We have capacity for up to 100,000 per day. It will be free to contribute and free to access, and weRead… Read more »

Community Blog

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Leadership Best Practices at Kansas City Fed

EPP Team A visited the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank and met with the Director of Public Information and Bank Historian and with the Senior Vice President and Director of Research. We learned that the Kansas City Fed has led the federal reserve bank system in reinventing the mission of field offices from check clearingRead… Read more »

4 Best Practices for Fighting Phishing Attacks

by Sophicity Phishing is a form of fraud that masquerades as an official email or website which attempts to steal a victim’s username, password, and other information. Typically, a scammer will send an email that appears to be from a well-known bank, asking the user to log in to their account. When the victim clicksRead… Read more »

Do Think Tanks Matter?

If you’re engaged in some level of policy-making or research with the government, it’s likely that you’ve attended an event hosted by a think tank or policy forum such as Brookings, Heritage, or the Wilson Center. Have you found these events to be helpful? Where you able to network or learn something new and relevant?Read… Read more »

Getting Big Things Done in Government

The eagerly anticipated new book from Bill Eggers (director for Deloitte Research) and co-author John O’Leary Getting Big Things Done in Government(Research Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School) titled “If We Could Put a Man on the Moon…Getting Big Things Done in Govt,” is being launched in a 2-hour event tomorrow at the Grand Hyatt, DC.Read… Read more »

EPP-Kansas City-Team Sprint Center

Team Sprint Center is now coming up with questions for tomorrows site visit. We are currently being assisted by Lou Taylor and Al Tyree. JaDa is looking online researching on AEG and their overall vision, mission, and product. We will be met by Brenda Tinnen, General Manager, and David Pulford, Director of Operations at theRead… Read more »