Search Results for: research

Government Performance & the Tax Code

It’s time for the federal government to finally follow through on its long-unfulfilled promise to evaluate the usefulness of special tax breaks. Does the research and experimentation tax credit, for example, actually encourage research? Or does it simply enrich high-tech firms? Does the mortgage interest deduction increase homeownership, or does it only reward people whoRead… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency Phase 3: Implement and Prepare for Change

A previous post laid out the Focus on Efficiency Framework: Plan – Decide – Implement – Review – Repeat. If you’ve reached this stage, you’ve decided to implement your project. Implementing means just that: Implementing the plans you made back in the Planning phase. You’ll implement using traditional project management techniques like PMBOK or whateverRead… Read more »

Too hard is the worst excuse

Untold hours are spent by web designers and developers to make sure their creations work in different browsers and platforms. They may curse and mutter and otherwise cast aspersions upon the creators of various browsers – in fact, I think it’s in the job description – but they do it. They research and experiment toRead… Read more »

“Collaboration Over Time”

There is a chapter in Keith Sawyer’s Group Genius book titled Collaboration Over Time where Sawyer refers to several inventions and discoveries, including Morse’s first working telegraph line and Darwin’s The Origin of the Species to make the point that: Collaboration makes the mind more creative because working with others gives you new and unexpectedRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: GeekChick

I have never met Geekchick but after reading her comments I found her to be a very interesting person. She is one of those really cool people you can talk to for days about anything and everything. She started one of my favorite groups, Geeks in Government, so what is not to like about thisRead… Read more »

Great Example of CFC Fundraising Appeal – Non-profit Charity Fundraising

Folks, I’m new to govloop and just want to say “thank you” to everyone who participates, and especially to those that had the idea and madie it real. It’s a great addition to the broader community, I’m now also out of Federal government, doing consulting and leadership training about workplace giving, including the Combined FederalRead… Read more »

Looking for Psychological or Educational Evaluation Tests?

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at . We review and update our FAQs frequently. FAQs often include national and international government agencies and non-profit organizations. One of our FAQs isRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 6 – Privacy

Most, if not all, social media websites provide options for what information a user makes available to the public. Facebook, for example, offers options for who can view status updates, removing a user’s name from search results, and limiting who can view pictures. According to a recent article published in the Vanderbilt Journal of EntertainmentRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Moderating Contributions

A few weeks ago, a member of the Whorunsgov community contributed some valuable information to the profile of Douglas Evans Coe, a leader in “The Fellowship.” This contributor did a great thing by trying to help us all know more about Mr. Coe, and even provided a source. But there was one problem: The sourceRead… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency Phase 2: Decide. Or, Can we get there from here?

A previous post laid out the Focus on Efficiency Framework: Plan – Decide – Implement – Review – Repeat. In this post I’ll spend some time talking about Deciding. In many cases the Decision to Implement is made in the blink of an eye, even before Planning. And after investing resources in the Planning phaseRead… Read more »