Search Results for: research

A better question than “what’s the business case for Gov2.0?”

Don’t ask how do I make the business case for Gov2.0?”; tell us about your agency’s relationships, and the case will become obvious. Imagine that you’re a savvy Federal staffer in US Defense Military Health System Program. You’re excited by what the US Patent Office accomplished with its Peer to Patent program, eager to copyRead… Read more »

The Myth of the Turnaround Employee

I cant remember how often I’ve heard stories like the one I just heard from a good friend of mine. He had introduced me to a person who by all accounts was courteous and professional and an all-around good guy. After he left the room I got “The Story.” We’ve all heard it too manyRead… Read more »

Medical Procedure Costs Resources at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®)

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at We review and update our FAQs frequently. The FAQ resources include national and international government agencies and non-profit organizations. Three of our FAQs areRead… Read more »

Prologue – Social Media Policy Series

Over the past few months, I have been researching employee social media use policies. This post is the prologue to a series of posts to share that research. Hopefully, the information I provide will be helpful, but I also hope that you will provide feedback and guidance. What have you experienced? What should be inRead… Read more »

Diversity Pays Off

Originally posted on Unleash the Monster When President Barack Obama took office, the role of diversity within organizations heightened. For more than 200 years previously, the presidency was held exclusively by white males. Now, more than ever, organizations across the board are recognizing the need to commit to diversity. Why is it so important thatRead… Read more »

Open Access Week

For those that may be interested, October 19-23 will mark the first international Open Access Week. Open Access Week is an opportunity to broaden awareness and understanding of Open Access to research, including access policies from all types of research funders, within the international higher education community and the general public. The latter includes accessRead… Read more »

Usability and

I’m a big fan of the “Redesigning the Government” project over at Sunlight Labs, especially their latest mock-ups for the FCC. One particular part of their post rang true to me, as I’m frequently tasked with developing information architecture for government websites: “In many discussions that we’ve had with people who develop these sites, they’veRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


Big News: Andy K. Joins as RockStar GovLoop Community Manager & GovLoop Hits 20k Members

I’ve been teasing everyone regarding the big GovLoop news for a couple weeks now. And I’m excited that it is official and I can share the good good news. Andrew Krzmarzick is officially joining the GovLoop team today and will become the official GovLoop Community Manager. This is another huge step in a march toRead… Read more »

Your Friendly Steward to GovLoop Awesomeness!

Today is a big day in my life and I’m really excited to share it with you – the GovLoop Community. Mr. GovLoop himself (aka Steve Ressler) has asked me to join his team as the GovLoop Community Manager! So what does that mean? It means I’ve resigned from the Graduate School and will dedicateRead… Read more »