Your Data Is Crap, And It Isn’t Your Fault

How many agencies are in the federal government? Seems like a straightforward question, right? Well, it depends on whom you ask. Hudson Hollister, Founder and Executive Director of the Data Transparency Coalition, recalled his days working as a congressional staffer for Rep. Darrell Issa and searching for an answer to that very question. “One dayRead… Read more »

Data Analytics Open a World of Possibilities

Astounding. Amazing. Eye-opening. These are the kind of words that David Kushner, Director of Big Data Analytics and Cyber Practice at ViON, used to describe the current state of the world of analytics at GovLoop’s recent data analytics event. “A new world of possibilities is being opened for us,” he stated. “Today is a very exciting time.” According toRead… Read more »

Oh, The Places You’ll Go With Position Classification

What is a classifier? Though defined as a person or thing that classifies something, those with extensive experience in the field of federal human capital management characterizes a classifier as the center-piece of every agency. Didn’t think you would need a classifier at the deciding table with you before putting a job announcement on theRead… Read more »

10 Tips Every Agency Should Follow on Its DevOps Journey

Development and Operations, also known as DevOps, is a trending new IT development that government agencies are putting into practice to make the production of IT faster and more efficient. But implementing DevOps isn’t as easy as it sounds, and neither is defining it. In yesterday’s online training: DevOps: The Dos and Don’ts for SuccessRead… Read more »

The Value of Volunteering

“Be servants of peace. Weep with those who are sorrowful, rejoice with those who are joyful, teach those who are ignorant. Care for those who are sick. Serve your families. Serve your neighbors. Serve your cities. Serve the poor. Join others who serve. Serve, serve, serve! That’s the challenge. For in the end, it willRead… Read more »

SharePoint: 5 Things You Should Know

When I walked into a breakout session titled “SharePoint: Best Practices,” at the 2015 Next Generation of Government Summit, I’m pretty sure I was the only person in the room who had no idea what SharePoint even was. But the Department of Defense’s Gary Cage and Christine Frost, alongside the FDIC’s Russell Maltempo gave meRead… Read more »

Saving Millions And Buildings

GovLoop’s online social cast, Your Building Data is the Source of New Savings and Efficiencies for Energy, Operations & Space Management, sought to understand the ins and outs of smart buildings with an expert panel: • Steve Sakach, Assistant Commissioner, Office of Facilities Management, Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration • Don Coffelt, Associate ViceRead… Read more »

Reframing American Politics

At the age of 33, Don Ness was elected mayor of Duluth, Minnesota. Once an industrial heavyweight on par with Detroit, Duluth had a soaring 20 percent unemployment rate. Although decline had stabilized by the time he came into office, pessimistic voices within the town defined the city’s story. “Stability doesn’t inspire,” Ness observed. HeRead… Read more »