Search Results for: research

Appointment as Executive Director of NACBHDD

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY BEHAVIORAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITY DIRECTORS PRESS RELEASE October 13, 2009 Washington, DC: The National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Directors (NACBHDD) announces the appointment of Dr. Ron Manderscheid as Executive Director effective December 1. Dr. Manderscheid will assume responsibility for the policy and administrative functions of theRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

Are Government Workers Overpaid?

(originally published at ) The Cato Institute, a libertarian leaning think tank, suggests that the average federal worker is paid more than the average private-sector employee, especially when fringe benefits like health insurance and pensions are factored in. Nancy Folbre, Economics Professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in a recent New York TimesRead… Read more »

The LMX Theory

Have you noticed that managers often act differently toward their different employees? Do you sometimes see managers who have favorites? Well, if so, you are witnessing the workings of the LMX theory of leadership. The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory holds that leaders have two different types of relationships among their followers. In essence, leaders establishRead… Read more »

Managing the “Graying” of Municipal IT Staff

by Tim Verras, Sophicity The looming retirement of the Baby Boomer Generation is a concern on the horizon for municipal IT managers. Staff with decades of experience in the technologies and processes crucial to the municipality’s operations will be handing over positions to middle or entry level employees. The question for IT managers becomes: HowRead… Read more »

The Limitations of More with Less

Undoubtedly you’ve heard the mantra that we need to do more with less. You may have even used this phrase yourself as a kind of short-hand for some wider/more complicated explanation or justification. The problem with that phrase is it’s become so generic it can mean almost anything to anyone. Read: We need to doRead… Read more »

NSPS Article Q: Is it really dead?

Washington Post October 8, 2009 Pg. 27 Federal Diary Pay-For-Performance Program Gets The Boot By Ed O’Keefe Christmas came early for some federal employees and their unions Wednesday as lawmakers delivered one of the biggest items on their wish list, repealing a controversial pay-for-performance program. The repeal of the National Security Personnel System came asRead… Read more »

Focus on Efficiency

The need to focus on efficiency is economics and physics. Economics: because every organization has limited resources (even in the best of times), and to be efficient is to utilize those resources to maximize goods and services. Physics: because a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Without a focus on changing what weRead… Read more »

Committed NASA Techie Tries Out all the Latest Toys

If some people dabble in technology, Tom Soderstrom immerses himself in it. Whether new online services or promising new devices, he tries them, sees how they work, lets others try them and adds their reactions. For the past three years, Soderstrom has been bringing that technology enthusiasm to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), where heRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

Federal Eye: OMB Wants More Data on Government’s Performance

The Office of Management and Budget will release new performance guidelines Wednesday to collect deeper evaluations of federal offices and programs. The new Program Evaluation Initiative is voluntary but will help agencies make “evidence-based policy decisions” about what’s working and what needs improvement, White House Chief Performance Officer Jeffrey Zients said in an interview Tuesday.Read… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Uncategorized


Member of Week – Meagen Ryan – Rock Creek Strat Marketing

I first got introduced to Rock Creek Strategic Marketing during Gov 2.0 Camp when I met a rad dude named Scott Johnson. His team helped me out with a new slick GovLoop banner and generally awesomeness and also introduced me to some of his great staff like Meagen Ryan who we are featuring as GovLoopRead… Read more »