Search Results for: research

Bad user testing beats no user testing

Jakob Nielsen has noted that it’s now twenty years since he started what he calls the ‘discount usability movement’. This might be egging it a wee bit, I’m not sure there is such a ‘movement’ apart from that which Nielsen promotes. It’s true that major companies use discount usability tactics – I noted before howRead… Read more »

Council homepages: what’s wrong with ‘interesting development’?

There’s been a great flurry of interest in local government webbie circles because a few councils have gone down the Google route of deliberately reducing homepage content and pushing search as the way to find what you’re looking for, what you want to do, what your task is. Lancashire’s Kevin Rainsbury told the lively threadRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Gov’t Opens Entrepreneurship Office

Happy Friday! The Commerce Department will establish a new Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship to help small businesses grow faster, part of the Obama administration’s new $100 billion innovation agenda announced earlier this week. The administration is especially interested in helping small businesses and entrepreneurs as statistics suggest businesses less than five years old accountedRead… Read more »

Growing staffing firm is looking to expand it’s government contracts.

Results Staffing Services, LLC (Results), is a premier resource for your contract and project staffing requirements. Headquartered in Atlanta, GA, by renowned management consultant Mr. Lorentine Green, Results was created to provide Government and private sector agencies with a single source for highly qualified and capable professionals to fill all their staffing requirements. Rapidly growingRead… Read more »

Medical Coding Resources at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®)

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at We review and update our FAQs frequently. The FAQ resources include national and international government agencies and non-profit organizations. One of our FAQs isRead… Read more »

Technical note: Making Sense of Gov2.0

Information technology (IT) is central to Gov 2.0, both as a platform for government operations and to provide channels for government internal and public communications. The Internet — the Web in particular, both the static first-generation Web and its reconceptualization as Web 2.0 — is likewise central to nearly every element of modern IT. InternetRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech


GovLoop Project of the Week – Gov 2.0 University

This week we feature Gov 2.0 University. While social media/web 2.0 are far from new, it is for many Government leaders who struggle trying to understand what it all means and how they can implement it into their business structure and processes. Gov 2.0 University exists to “help government leaders successfully apply Web 2.0 technologiesRead… Read more »

GovTwit Week in Review 9/14 – 9/20

Lots of interesting stories and discussion continued the week after Gov 2.o Summit, so let’s get to it… As pointed out in a Washington Post story, Tweeting Their Own Horns, many politicians spend most of their time on Twitter promoting themselves. This according to a study of 6,000 tweets over the summer by researchers atRead… Read more »

Finding Clinical Trial Results – National Library of Medicine® (NLM®) Resources

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at We review and update our FAQs frequently. The FAQ resources include national and international government agencies and non-profit organizations. One of our FAQs isRead… Read more »

Recognizing America’s Most Dedicated Employees

Originally posted on Unleash the Monster By Monster Team Choosing public service as a career takes dedication. Employees of the government make such an impact on the lives of Americans and the communities within this great country. Each federal or state and local government employee plays a vital role in addressing pressing issues. That isRead… Read more »