Search Results for: research

Leveraging Web 2.0 in Government

I should go through my bookshelves more often! This weekend, while sorting and thinking, I rediscovered a hard copy of the IBM Center for the Business of Government’s Fall/Winter 2008 publication. One of the articles jumped out at me: Leveraging Web 2.0 in Government, by Ai-Mei Chang and P.K. Kannan. Chang is Professor of SystemsRead… Read more »

The more things change the more they stay the same

Or another title might be “Nothing new under the sun?!” or “been there done that” From the Business of Government blog Lessons of Reinvention By John Kamensky Govloop Profile Sixteen years ago today Vice President Gore presented the first report of the National NPR 1993 Performance Review to President Clinton in a ceremony on theRead… Read more »

3-D Group Combat-Intervention at the Burning Out and Burning Up Battlefronts: Using Discussion-Drawing-Diversity to Disarm Conflict and Build Camaraderie-Community

Being a conference or retreat speaker and “Motivational Humorist” sounds like a lot of fun; and it usually is. However, sometimes you are asked to intervene with a group that’s under siege. At these times, the tension and acting out of frustration between management and employees or mistrust within the diverse employee ranks is palpableRead… Read more »

Computers need Security; People need Privacy

I have been meaning to write this piece for a while after some sessions with various teams working on how Government can make better use of technology to deliver their services to citizens. However the same principle comes up pretty rapidly in similar conversations in a lot of different industries as we try to comeRead… Read more »

New Orleans City Council Launches Website and Increases Transparency with Live, On-demand, and Searchable Public Meetings

Yesterday, New Orleans City Council launched its redesigned website and NOLA GOV. Online, a technology featuring live and archived streaming video of City Council meetings. NOLA GOV. Online can be accessed through the City Council website at An instrumental part of their website redesign project was the launch of a new transparency tool:Read… Read more »

No Such Thing As A ‘Born Leader,’ Study In Fish Finds

It might sound a little strange that a lot about leadership can be learned from studying fish, but that is just what a group of researchers recently discovered. The major finding from the study of fish suggests that leadership is a dynamic process that is dependent on the context of the followers. In other words,Read… Read more »

No Such Thing as Ethnic Groups…It is All in Our Head Study Reveals

A recent study from my favorite source the Science Daily reported that ethnic groups are a creation of our minds and not grounded in genetic reality. What substitutes for what we think are ethnic differences are really the result of social rules and norms we have created to erect barriers between groups. Probably as aRead… Read more »

Lesson to be Learned – How are you Really Perceived?

Last night, while sitting on my rooftop, I noticed two things: first, it was getting too dark to read the book in my hand; second, the setting sun was a sight that could rival an impressionist painting. “Must capture,” I thought, as I ran downstairs to get my camera. When I returned to the rooftopRead… Read more »

My time in the wilderness

As you might know from my last post, I was scheduled to spend some time with the fine folks at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe in Belgium these last few weeks. Due to the hotel situation, my lack of cell phone coverage, and the quirky copyright and IT policies at the NATO military headquarters,Read… Read more »

Follow UK public sector bloggers in one place

Just completed a mass update to the Public Sector Bloggers website and feed which was initiated by Dave Briggs and tidied up by Steph Gray. I used those signed up to @PubSecBloggers as well as my egov links in my blog‘s right column, which now needs an overhaul as a lot of sites/blogs are effectivelyRead… Read more »