Search Results for: research

Americans Claim to Like Diverse Communities but Do They Really?

Below is a link to the blog “Social Capital”. This blog discusses the impact and role of social capital as it relates to building a civic society. The PEW Research Center released a study on social segregation that is truly eye opening and illustrates the difficulty in achieveing an integrated society as well as workplace.Read… Read more »

Jack Holt, DoD New Media Live-blogging from the Gov20 symposium

Jack Holt, Department of Defense, Sr. Strategist for New Media Use of social media as leadership. President’s call for open, transparent, collaborative government. The core of my job is to get people to think differently. Think differently about what we’re doing, how we’re doing, etc. First high speed network? Hard surface Roman roads. Public roadsRead… Read more »

Why Gov 2.0 Matters to Me

I posted this here last night but took it down because it felt too personal and too much about my story. The reason I wrote it this way is because I didn’t want to presume why it should matter to other people, but rather describe why it matters to me and let others find commonalityRead… Read more »

6 Competencies of a Gov 2.0 Leader

I was invited to participate in the Potomac Forum’s “Best Practices Symposium” today in Washington, DC. You can watch the full presentation with accompanying slides or you can absorb the slides without the commentary. The 6 Competencies of a Gov 2.0 Leader View more documents from Andrew Krzmarzick. Below is an abbreviated version of theRead… Read more »

Live-blogging the Gov 2.0 Conf – Dr. Linton Wells II, leadership and security

Dr. Linton Wells II, Distinguished Research Professor and Force Transformation Chair, NDU The #1 issue for leaders is this: Empower your organization to act responsibly in the social media / social networking world. There is always going to be risk. Go ahead and figure out the risk categories: What is only okay for inside theRead… Read more »

Speeding Up the Acquisition Process is a Challenge

From The Acquisition Corner An interesting action plan for speeding up the procurement process for Recovery procurements was recently proposed by Dr. Allan Burman, who served as administrator of federal procurement policy in the Office of Management and Budget. His plan, which was conducted as an interview with CGI Initiative for Collaborative Government, outlined anRead… Read more »

The Evolution of the Social Media Evangelist

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I’m currently going through my annual assessment, and in completing my self-assessment, I had some time to reflect on the last year and subsequently, over my six years at Booz Allen. As I combed through old emails and files, I thought back to 2006Read… Read more »

RSS vs Twitter in UK local government: a serious imbalance?

Image via Wikipedia eGovernment Register reports today on ‘social media’ use in local councils (LAs), noting that work by Liz Azyan published on her blog at shows it at: Number % of LAs Facebook 48 11% Twitter 128 30% YouTube 63 15% RSS 122 28% Web dev blogs/feeds 6 1% Now I would argueRead… Read more »

Leadership Reflections Part 3 – Leadership Managment and Supervision

From Leadership descriptions and configurations of the roles of leadership, management and supervision vary widely. I have come to the conclusion that there can never be a final answer because no one can understand and implement their understanding in their lifetime. What we can do is accept that there are many fine people who wouldRead… Read more »

Career Development Resources at the National Library of Medicine® (NLM®)

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) responds to more than 100,000 questions each year. Regularly asked questions become Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). NLM Reference and Consumer Health FAQs are at Our FAQs are reviewed and updated frequently. The FAQs link to resources at NLM, national and international government agencies, and non-profit organizations. Four ofRead… Read more »