Search Results for: research

Web 2.0/Sentiment Analysis

From the NY Times Mining the Web for Feelings, Not Facts By ALEX WRIGHT Aug. 23, 2009 Computers may be good at crunching numbers, but can they crunch feelings? The rise of blogs and social networks has fueled a bull market in personal opinion: reviews, ratings, recommendations and other forms of online expression. For computerRead… Read more »

Knowledge@Wharton: Information Security: Why Cybercriminals are Smiling

Hardly a week goes by without some new internet security snafu being reported. And with web usage exploding, expect to hear about a lot more. According to a new analysis from Forrester Research, the number of Internet users is forecast to grow 45% globally over the next four years, reaching 2.2 billion by 2013. MoreRead… Read more »

Fortune’s #1 Fastest Growing Company is: Not Apple, Not Google… How About RIM?

Fortune magazine reported the… 100 Fastest-Growing Companies My guess is that most people would make two types of guesses. Some people would guess firms associated with familiar and popular brands. This is usually an incorrect guess for a list of this kind because the second type of guess is usually the correct one: SmallRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Tech

David McClure: Longtime IT analyst and investigator to lead GSA citizen services unit by Gatham Nagesh, NextGov

A veteran information technology analyst and former Government Accountability Office official has been appointed to lead the General Services Administration office in charge of interacting with the American public, the agency announced on Tuesday. David McClure will take over as associate administrator of GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Communications on Aug. 24. The officeRead… Read more »

100 Cities that use Google Analytics

Why would I care well since the GA control panel can give out so much information I have written each of the cities asking for permission to be add to the security of GA with my Gmail account. This task takes less then 5 minutes and should give no private information. Being in control ofRead… Read more »

Grant Funds Available for Journal Articles on Budgeting

Public Financial Publications (PFP), the publisher of Public Budgeting & Finance (PB&F), is pleased to announce a program of financial support for new, strong academic research in the federal budget and the federal budget process. Unprecedented challenges face the federal government in the next several years as it confronts extraordinary fiscal challenges. In that environment,Read… Read more »

Member of Week: Lovisa Williams, Department of State

LOVISA WILLIAMS: GOVLOOP MEMBER OF THE WEEK (and general rockstar) By Andy Krzmarzick Few people in the Government 2.0 space are focusing on the international aspects of social media, such as what we can learn from other countries that are implementing and how it can be used to bridge geographical and cultural divides. Enter LovisaRead… Read more »

Bureaucracy 2.0 – make sure your team is ready to stand and deliver

I have long subscribed to the belief that our initiatives in the online communication world will eventually change the way the government functions. From our internal capacity to support a robust online environment to providing public servants with the general understanding and toolkit of web tools that can make them more effective, more than anyRead… Read more »

Citizen Connectivity – Local Governments provide insight into need for Web 2.0

I just read NSCL’s Gene Rose’s post in the State Thicket, “Are Budget Challenges Affecting Public’s Satisfaction with State Governments?” Gene comments on the recent report from the Pew Research for the People & the Press and its finding that there is a sharp decline from 2008 numbers in the public’s opinion of their stateRead… Read more »

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Mitigation = Successful Preparedness, Resiliency and Recovery

Mitigation = Successful Preparedness, Resiliency and Recovery Disasters have a very significant impact on our Nation and the world. This topic will focus primarily on one specific type of disaster and hazard within the United States, but it does not diminish the impact of this type disaster or other hazards on a global scale andRead… Read more »