Search Results for: research

Public Housing Summit: A Conversation Between Scholars and Housing Directors Hosted at Rutgers University-Newark

General notes: At this one day conference there was a good mix of academics and practitioners. The discussions that took place were very helpful and informative to everyone. Beyond my expectations, the conference did not focus solely on Newark or New Jersey. This was really great, especially for someone like me who isn’t from NewRead… Read more »

Sweet Government Conference Tweets – Crisis Camp Day 2 & Beyond (#crisiscamp)

(All times are Pacific) June 14, 2009 12:49 am younghahn: #crisiscamp 3:27 am xpeditenetwork: Ready for day two of #crisiscamp. No disaster is too great for us (unless we run out of coffee) 5:27 am svenburg: @vladvino thanks Vlad! Camping day # 2 today. #crisiscamp 6:03 am kgfreeman: Running late to #crisiscamp, but because theRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.16.2009

Good Morning! Today’s tweets feature numerous updates from @dslunceford @GovTwit providing information about all of the new additions to the Government Twitter directory, including the Arkansas Department of Emergency Management from my home state. This is a great resource, continually expanding resource, check it out. My favorite tweet today was from @timoreilly quoting Vivek KundraRead… Read more »

Riding out the Great Asia Depression

2009 is the Year of the Ox, according to the Chinese zodiac. The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work. Many Asians expect 2009 to be the Year of the Skinny Ox. Asia’s political leaders, civil service, businesses and citizens are preparing for the worst year since the 1997 Asian crisis.Read… Read more »

GovLoop’s Catch-22

Was scrolling through the GovLoop member pages the other day. Not stalking…just doing a little research on how the site is being used. In poking around, I stumbled on at least half a dozen profiles of friends and colleagues that I hadn’t realized were on GovLoop. That was cool. The downer was that only aRead… Read more »

Performance Management Analysis

Continuing our exercise in developing a performance management framework, a summary of the necessary steps for a successful program follows: 1. Report performance metric data on pre-defined schedule. 2. Analyze data for troubling trends or missed targets. Operationally research root cause of problems. 3. Provide corrective action for metrics where target was missed or dataRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 2 (#blogpotomac)

6:46 am nathanbetz: Usability idea for folks at #blogpotomac: if you RT, then DONT include the #blogpotomac hastag. Will really help the feed. 6:46 am sradick: Changed my avatar back to my face so peeps at #blogpotomac can identify me – should have done this earlier! Sorry everyone! 6:46 am creativeblogs: @digitalsista social media allowsRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Blog Potomac Part 1 (#blogpotomac)

BlogPotomac was a social media marketing event which took place June 12, 2009, in Falls Church, VA. This conference was trending on Twitter through a good portion of the day. Only the Tweets from the day of the conference are posted below. (The posts also had to be split into more than one blog postRead… Read more »

Looking for Knowledge Management Certification Classes

Hello I am doing research for my Consortium and I would like to know if anyone knows of any Knowledge Managment Certification Classes for a group. Please contact me if you do or if you have attended a certification course.

Citizen Participation in government

Couldn’t say it any better than Ms. Noveck OSTP Blog OSTP == Office of Science & Technology Policy Enhancing Citizen Participation in Decision-Making Transparency, a concept we have discussed a lot in the Open Government Initiative, is a means to an end. One of the important roles that transparency plays is to facilitate public participationRead… Read more »