Search Results for: research

How not to do it: Public Transport Authority

This is a post from a personal eGov blog I started a while back, but never found the time to really devote to it. I’m going to start a semi-regular feature piece here, at the moment under a working title of how not to do it. I want to make it crystal clear from theRead… Read more »

Performance Management Reporting

In my previous post I outlined a 4 step process for a successful performance management program. to recap: 1. Report performance metric data on pre-defined schedule. 2. Analyze data for troubling trends or missed targets. Operationally research root cause of problems. 3. Provide corrective action for metrics where target was missed or data is trendingRead… Read more »

GovLoop and Being the Fly on the Wall

At one time or other, we’ve probably all wished we could listen in on a conversation or a meeting that we wouldn’t normally get to attend. Be a “fly on the wall” to learn what goes on and hear what gets said. Well here’s your opportunity… Maybe you won’t get to hear how your bossRead… Read more »

A Public Sector Performance Management Methodology

Performance management and measurement have taken on a number of different meanings with regard to application in the public sector. In some cases it’s regarded strictly as data reporting and in others it takes on a more qualitative form. It may be useful to start a dialogue on coming up with an actionable, consolidated setRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Best Places to Work: HQ vs. Regional Offices

It’s certainly true of journalists and in all types of other professions, but this week’s Best Places to Work data definitely confirms that some federal employees much prefer toiling in the field rather than working at headquarters. Sarah Palin Take EPA for example: two of its regional offices, in San Francisco and Philadelphia, rank amongRead… Read more »

The State of Cyber Security in the Federal Government, what do you think?

INPUT, a government market research and analysis firm in Reston, VA, would like to know your thoughts on the current state of Cyber Security in the Federal Government. Your responses will be used aggregate to help our analysts understand current perceptions and opinions by government employees and the contractor community. Thank you in advance forRead… Read more »

Public engagement. Public empowerment.

My keynote from GOVIS 2009 – User Centred Government: More than meets the eye. Public engagement. Public empowerment. View more presentations from Stephen Collins. The GOVIS tag line is “Connect. Share. Learn.” So my first question is where is the conference wifi network for all of us to connect? It’s a must have for everyRead… Read more »

Mortgage Securitization – explained and how it factored in the financial crisis Thanks to Ezra Klein’s blog on for the link – the paper is a great read (once you get past the economics) to understand exactly the mortgage back securites (MBS) market fell apart – essentially it was due to (1) bad assumptions of defalut rates, (2) poor ratings of each MBS pool byRead… Read more »

Do you plan your online strategy in the same way you plan your media strategy?

Republished from eGovAU. Typically government and commercial media teams spend time identifying publications and journalists that have the most appropriate audiences for an organisation’s products and services. They commit energy to building constructive relationships with those that have influence over the members of the public they are trying to engage, tailoring stories to suit theirRead… Read more »

Inspiration to Give Back

As you were probably aware, last week was Public Service Recognition Week. My agency here in Arizona decided to award individuals who give back to their community, and the environment. What interesting organizations they are busy volunteering their time with! One of our employees spends their off-work time volunteering as a literacy volunteer, and trainsRead… Read more »