Search Results for: research

What Is Your Content Strategy?

In working with government agencies to improve and refine their digital marketing and communications efforts, what I find is that everyone is primarily interested in the channel – Is that up on the Web site? Did you tweet that out? Did you send a text message on that? Don’t get me wrong, the channel youRead… Read more »

Getting Started Guide

Where do we begin? Oh wait – I guess that’s what you’re asking us. Here are 5 ways to get started: Read today’s top Blogs Download our research guides Sign-up for upcoming and archived free trainings Ask and answer questions in our discussion Forums Join our most popular Groups to learn and collaborate Connect withRead… Read more »

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Strategies to Improve Integrated Service Delivery to People with Disabilities

In this report, the authors examine the experience of the United States and United Kingdom in developing effective strategies for providing integrated service delivery. The report examines what works and what doesn’t work, and provides a roadmap to improving services for individuals with disabilities. While more research is needed, the report identifies 12 strategies toRead… Read more »

Community Blog

Filed under: Career

Cheap Training Tip #3: Leadership Goes to the Movies

Cheap Training Trick #3: Leadership Goes to the Movies I ran across an old black & white documentary clip from the 1950’s on YouTube the other day and, after I stopped laughing, it got me thinking about using movies in schools and in adult educational programs. When I was in school, we used to cheerRead… Read more »

The Honor in Bureaucracy

“It would be my honor.” I’m not sure when I first started saying that as an answer to requests, but it has become a sort of habit. Though I never say it if, in fact, I don’t mean it; meaning it has become the norm and not the exception because when people think of meRead… Read more »

The Public Technology Institute – GovLoop Project of the Week, May 6, 2009

Pardon The Interruption… for the PTI (Public Technology Institute)… Celebrating its 35th year of providing technology leadership, the PTI, lead by GovLoop member Dr. Alan Shark, is a not-for-profit, member supported organization. PTI is the only technology organization created by and for cities and counties. Its core network of local government officials work to identifyRead… Read more »

Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss? – Gatekeepers in Gov 2.0

For as long as elected officials have had one set of ears to listen to thousands if not millions of constituents and interests, there have been gatekeepers – the legislative staffs and lobbyists. One of the goals we can gather from Government 2.0, e-Democracy – or ‘just the way things are these days’ as IRead… Read more »

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 2

Web 3.0 and the Virtual Proposal Manager, part 2 from the Government Business Examiner, Donna L. Quesinberry Meeting planning, an active component of the proposal management experience, encompasses the virtual scheme. Remote workers (even if a proposal shop is available on-site at a client location) are showing up everywhere and they aren’t going to goRead… Read more »

Social media – To be or not to be…How to get management “to be”

Many public and private organizations are already using social media tools as part of their communications planning to advance their missions and reach target audiences. For organizations still relying primarily on traditional media to get their messages out, curiosity about how to incorporate social media tools are high. Facebook, Twitter, Wikis, YouTube, blogs, podcasts, forums,Read… Read more »