Search Results for: research

Finally on Twitter

I first heard about Twitter through a friend of my wife several months ago and thought it was stupid. I’m a technically savvy guy, but I just didn’t see the need to post my every move for all of my “followers” to see and I really don’t care to get an update each time oneRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: USDA Contractor Disputes Charge of Political Favoritism

The man singled out during Wednesday’s White House press briefing as the beneficiary of a now-terminated contract with the Agriculture Department today disputed any suggestion that he was awarded the contract because of connections to the Bush administration, and cited his decades-long career as an agricultural economist as the main reason he earned a six-figureRead… Read more »

EU Profiler: voting advice application for European Elections

Here’s a link to a video about the EU Profiler, a Voting Advice Application for the 2009 European Parliamentary Elections. The EU Profiler has been developed here at the European University Institute with the collaboration of a unique team of international researchers. A bit more about the EU Profiler: “The EU Profiler is aRead… Read more »

Searching for Federal Government Policies on Employee Use of Social Networking

I’m researching (and attempting to develop) policies on the use of social networking sites particularly an information security controls for the download of applications and, in general, how social networking sites have the potential to disclose agency information without proper approvals.

Can Government Procurement Be Streamlined By Using Collaboration Technologies and Social Media?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Author’s note: this is a republication from the author’s web site located here. The report Six Practical Steps to Improve Contracting by Dr. Allan V. Burman, Adjunct Professor, George Mason University, is based on a series of discussions co-sponsored by The IBM Center for the Business of Government and GeorgeRead… Read more »

Does half a Twitter presence make you a twit or is half better than none?

I have a question rattling around in my head: is it ok for EPA’s main presence on Twitter, @usepagov, to primarily be fed by RSS, with only a smattering of handpicked content and actual human engagement? Or is that worse than not being on Twitter? We don’t have staff or governance to fully “personify” EPA’sRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye On the National Weather Service

WATCH THE VIDEO PROFILE HERE Arguably, no other group of government employees has as much impact on your daily life as the forecasters, scientists and technicians of the National Weather Service. Emergency medical and management personnel; city, county and state governments, and local media all make use of the Weather Service’s research and monitoring. TheirRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 Conflict

VERY GOOD (IMO) blog posting which although rather basic needs a whole lot more distribution… HOW TO: Deal With Social Media Conflict February 22, 2009 – 12:00 pm PDT – by Sharlyn Lauby No matter how knowledgeable you are and how much research you do, there will come a time when someone disagrees withRead… Read more »

Journalism 2.0

From the Scout Report … As more and more citizens decide to use both new and traditional media to engage in investigative reporting, they may wonder how they can find out more about governmental activities. The Citizen Journalist’s Guide to Open Government, provided by the Knight Citizen News Network, is an excellent place toRead… Read more »

Check out the new NIST YouTube Channel! NIST solves science and technology problems today so that U.S. industry and science can produce the improved products, services, and technologies of tomorrow. From atomic clocks and online banking to mammograms and cellphones, NIST supports U.S. innovation through research, standards, business services, and other programs. Name: NIST City: Gaithersburg MD / Boulder CO Country:Read… Read more »